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KLEVV科赋正式发布全新FIT V DDR5电竞超频内存


2024年6月27日,半导体及内存产品公司ESSENCORE艾思科及旗下消费型品牌——KLEVV科赋正式推出全新 FIT V DDR5电竞超频内存,外观低调内敛,性能全面升级。   不受空间与高度限制,散热无忧全新推出的FIT V DDR5内存提供16GB(16GBx1)单通道和32GB(16GBx2)双通道两种容量组合,并配备5600MT/s、6000MT/s及6400MT/s等多种速度选择,专为游戏玩家、内容创作者及超频爱好者量身打造,兼具高性价比与卓越稳定性,是消费者升级电脑的首选。FIT V DDR5内存采用独特的低矮型散热片设计,整体高度仅33mm,完美适配各类小型机箱,无需担心因CPU散热器或水冷系统而出现不适配的情况。流线型白色铝质散热片外观简约时尚,轻松融入各种装机风格,展现独特品味。 新世代内存标准,性能卓越 FIT V DDR5电竞内存搭载新世代内存标准,配备PMIC电源管理芯片,供电持久稳定高效。高品质多层PCB板提升效能与稳定性,内置温度感应器实时监控内存温度,确保最佳性能。FIT V DDR5还支持ECC校验技术,即时发现错误并进行纠正,能让系统更稳定可靠,同时还支持Intel XMP 3.0及AMD EXPO超频技术,轻松释放强大超频潜能。 广泛兼容,畅玩游戏FIT V DDR5内存通过了华硕、技嘉、华擎、微星各大主板厂商QVL测试,与市面上主流的DDR5主板完美兼容。无论是畅玩最新3A大作、进行内容创作还是休闲娱乐,都能发挥卓越性能,保证流畅稳定的使用体验。FIT V DDR5电竞内存计划于2024年7月上市,天猫、京东、拼多多及各大专营店等电商平台也会很快上架销售,有兴趣的用户敬请关注官方最新动态。 关于艾思科(ESSENCORE)艾思科成立于2014年,矢志成为全球领导性的DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器供应商,核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。艾思科采用了先进技术、结合了专业人才,提供了不同于业界的差异化品质与服务,为消费者带来专业、优异、与多样化的记忆体产品组合。想了解详情,请访问官网 . 关于KLEVV科赋 KLEVV科赋是艾思科旗下的高阶消费性品牌,主打DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器,产品覆盖电竞内存条以及SSD固态硬盘。KLEVV科赋致力于打造世界一流品质的产品,其全系列产品均为追求极致完美的电脑狂热者所设计。KLEVV科赋近年来先后获得德国红点设计奖与iF产品设计奖的认可。更多资讯,可前往KLEVV科赋官方网站 (了解。

KLEVV科赋正式发布全新FIT V DDR5电竞超频内存
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KLEVV科赋强势发布全新CRAS C925 Gen4 M.2固态硬盘

2024年4月,半导体及内存产品公司ESSENCORE艾思科旗下存储品牌KLEVV科赋宣布即将推出全新CRAS C925 Gen4 M.2固态硬盘,以满足用户对笔记本电脑、迷你主机与游戏主机等的存储升级需求。

    疾速效能,提供绝佳游戏与创作使用体验CRAS C925 M.2固态硬盘采用PCI Express® Gen4 x4传输接口,其连续读取速度最高可达每秒7,400MB/s、4K随机读写效能则可高达700K/1000K IOPS,能显著缩短数据和游戏读取时间,非常适合需要优异速度表现的游戏玩家、内容创作者与专业IT工作者,尽情享受拥有疾速性能的流畅系统使用体验。 可灵活安装的铝合金散热片设计,激发巅峰性能CRAS C925 M.2固态硬盘提供可选配的铝质散热片,能有效降低高达12%的温度、带来更卓越的性能,同时延长使用寿命。CRAS C925 M.2固态硬盘采用超薄的单面闪存颗粒设计架构,以轻巧的尺寸达到稳定高速的效能表现,能完美兼容多种笔记本电脑、迷你主机和PS5游戏主机等终端设备。 先进3D NAND闪存技术,提供多种容量规格CRAS C925 M.2固态硬盘提供500GB、1TB、与2TB等多种储存容量选择,严选3D NAND 闪存颗粒,同时支持SLC快取与HMB技术,大幅提升产品耐用度与性能稳定性,能满足高强度的存储应用需求。 全面优化的数据安全与可靠性CRAS C925 M.2固态硬盘支持AES 256位硬件加密技术,同时通过端对端数据保护、SRAM错误检测处理与LDPC ECC错误校正机制,提供了优越的数据保护功能,进而提升数据的安全性。 Acronis 软件轻松备份转移硬盘数据CRAS C925 M.2固态硬盘提供Acronis® True Image™ HD 2018软件密钥,支持硬盘数据的复制、快速备份、与操作系统复原,不用担心重要数字资产遗失,方便用户快速轻松的完成数据转移与数据传输。  KLEVV科赋CRAS C925 Gen4 M.2固态硬盘,以多种容量规格满足不同用户的升级需求,还提供五年质保服务,让用户能更加安心地使用。CRAS C925的规格与性能可完美适用于笔记本电脑、迷你主机、PS5游戏主机等设备的扩充所需,让游戏玩家享受更高速畅快的读写速度,拥有精彩刺激的电竞体验,是消费者不容忽视的又一崭新选择!如需了解更多相关信息,请关注KLEVV科赋官网最新动态:关于艾思科(ESSENCORE)艾思科成立于2014年,矢志成为全球领导性的DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器供应商,核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。艾思科采用了先进技术、结合了专业人才,提供了不同于业界的差异化品质与服务,为消费者带来专业、优异、与多样化的记忆体产品组合。想了解详情,请访问官网 。 关于KLEVV科赋 KLEVV科赋是艾思科旗下的高阶消费性品牌,主打DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器,产品覆盖电竞内存条以及SSD固态硬盘。KLEVV科赋致力于打造世界一流品质的产品,其全系列产品均为追求极致完美的电脑狂热者所设计。 

KLEVV科赋强势发布全新CRAS C925 Gen4 M.2固态硬盘

KLEVV科赋推出CRAS V RGB DDR5-8400内存条套装 新增晶灿白版本


 2023年12月18日,半导体及内存产品公司ESSENCORE艾思科旗下存储品牌KLEVV科赋推出旗舰款CRAS V RGB DDR5内存晶灿白版本,而且黑白两种配色都提供速度达到8200MT/s和8400MT/s的高性能版本。 全新晶灿白 颜值更能打自KLEVV科赋CRAS V RGB内存上市后,获得了广大用户的认可,为了进一步满足消费者需求,此次推出了备受期待的晶灿白配色散热片版本,其tone-on-tone类色调设计散热片采用铝合金打造,厚度达到了2mm,拥有出色的导热性能,白色外观赋予了用户更多选择,无论是打造纯白主机,或是熊猫配色主机都更为方便。此外散热片上还集成了全色域RGB灯,加上独特的线形镂空散热片侧边设计,形成了顶部与两侧相互辉映的灯光效果。高频低时序 释放高性能新版CRAS V RGB内存不仅具有高速度,而且时序低,8200MT/s时序为 38-49-49-131,8400MT/s版本时序为40-52-52-134,还能以1.45V相对较低的电压运行,有效降低功耗、控制发热。下图是使用AIDA64 Cache & Memory Benchmark对8400MT/s版本进行的实测,读取带宽超过128GB/s,写入带宽也有126GB/s,延迟值仅有56.5ns。(注:测试结果会因CPU、主板、BIOS、参数设定等因素有所差异)出色超频性能与优异兼容性CRAS V RGB内存套装兼容Intel最新推出第14代酷睿桌面处理器以及Z790平台,支持Intel XMP 3.0和AMD EXPO一键超频技术,并通过了华硕、技嘉、华擎、微星的QVL测试,适配市面上主流DDR5内存主板。作为KLEVV科赋的旗舰产品,CRAS V RGB内存有16GBx2/24GBx2/32GBx2多种容量可选,满足超频玩家、游戏发烧友、内容创作者不同的容量需求,黑白两种配色都覆盖6000MT/s至8400MT/s速度,更是满足骨灰级超频玩家对性能、对颜值的苛刻需求。CRAS V RGB晶灿白与高速版本计划于2023年12月底上市,天猫、京东、拼多多及各大专营店等电商平台也会很快上架销售,有兴趣的用户敬请关注官方最新动态。关于艾思科(ESSENCORE)艾思科成立于2014年,矢志成为全球领导性的DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器供应商,核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。艾思科采用了先进技术、结合了专业人才,提供了不同于业界的差异化品质与服务,为消费者带来专业、优异、与多样化的记忆体产品组合。想了解详情,请访问官网 。关于KLEVV科赋 KLEVV科赋是艾思科旗下的高阶消费性品牌,主打DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器,产品覆盖电竞内存条以及SSD固态硬盘。KLEVV科赋致力于打造世界一流品质的产品,其全系列产品均为追求极致完美的电脑狂热者所设计。自2014年成立以来,KLEVV科赋一直着力于技术创新,致力于通过世界一流品质的高规格产品打造世界一流品牌,为企业及消费者打造最新的高质量存储技术解决方案,采用先进技术提供不同于业界的差异化品质与服务,在短短几年内业务范围就已经扩展至香港、深圳、台湾、韩国、新加坡等全球多个地方,在业界占有一席之地。产品近年来先后荣获2015、2019、2021及2022年德国红点设计大奖的肯定。想了解详情,请访问官网: 。 

KLEVV科赋推出CRAS V RGB DDR5-8400内存条套装 新增晶灿白版本



2023 年 11月 1 日,半导体及内存产品公司ESSENCORE艾思科旗下存储品牌KLEVV科赋正式发布全新DDR5系列大容量内存套组,满足全球游戏玩家、内容创作者和计算机爱好者对高效率、高质量的工作追求,并为消费者提供绝佳的内存扩充性和兼容性。   此次发布的全新DDR5系列大容量内存套组基于KLEVV早前推出的CRAS V RGB、CRAS XR5 RGB和BOLT V三款DDR5内存,它们将在优秀的性能上再次升级,推出非二进制48GB(24GB*2)和大容量64GB(32GB*2)套组,以实现更强大的性能和多任务的处理能力,其中,CRAS V RGB和CRAS XR5 RGB DDR5内存最高可提供8000MT/s频率,满足高性能计算需求与追求极限性能的游戏电脑,让用户能够轻松享受性能更出色的大容量高带宽内存为整体系统性能带来的流畅体验! 此外,KLEVV科赋的DDR5台式机内存(U-DIMM插槽)系列也推出了全新非二进制48GB(24GB*2)套组,消费者可根据自己的需要选择适用产品。  此次发布的全新高容量和非二进制内存套组将于2023年11月上市,将于天猫、拼多多、各大专营店以及京东电商平台上架销售,有选购需要的用户敬请关注官方最新动态。  关于艾思科(ESSENCORE)艾思科成立于2014年,矢志成为全球领导性的DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器供应商,核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。艾思科采用了先进技术、结合了专业人才,提供了不同于业界的差异化品质与服务,为消费者带来专业、优异、与多样化的记忆体产品组合。想了解详情,请访问官网。  关于KLEVV科赋 KLEVV科赋是艾思科旗下的高阶消费性品牌,主打DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器,产品覆盖电竞内存条以及SSD固态硬盘。KLEVV科赋致力于打造世界一流品质的产品,其全系列产品均为追求极致完美的电脑狂热者所设计。


KLEVV科赋推出新款固态硬盘CRAS C910 Lite 带来高性价比存储方案

2023年9月5日,存储界领导品牌——KLEVV科赋今日隆重发布新款固态硬盘CRAS C910 Lite,它采用PCIe Gen 4.0 x4接口与M.2 2280规范,容量达到了4TB,顺序读取可达5000MB/s,为广大用户带来高性价比以及高可靠的存储方案。   主流接口 兼容性出色 KLEVV科赋CRAS C910 Lite是一款面向新一代平台的固态硬盘,采用了NVMe 1.4协议与PCIe Gen 4.0 x4接口,符合M.2 2280规范,并使用了单面PCB设计,控制芯片与闪存颗粒集中布局在其中一面PCB板上,尺寸非常紧凑,重量仅有7g,兼容市面上大部分台式机与内部空间有限的笔记本电脑。   搭载新一代3D NAND颗粒为了满足当下日益增长的存储需求,KLEVV科赋CRAS C910 Lite采用了新一代3D NAND闪存颗粒,共提供500GB、1TB、2TB以及4TB四种不同容量,顺序读写速度能达到5000MB/s以及4200 MB/s,4KB随机读写性能分别可达680,000/880,000 IOPS,能够满足3A游戏大作、Premiere Pro等生产力软件的性能需求。多重防护 保障安全除了性能表现外,消费者也非常看重数据安全性与可靠性,为此KLEVV科赋CRAS C910 Lite引入了 LDPC ECC错误校正技术,会在传输数据中确保数据完整性,同时具备损耗均衡技术、AES 256-bit加密技术、温控调频机制,确保数据被妥善存储。在通过 S.M.A.R.T. (自我监测、分析及报告技术),用户能随时了解到固态硬盘的健康状态、温度等多项数据。KLEVV科赋CRAS C910 Lite还附赠了Acronis True Image HD数据备份软件密钥,它能够帮助用户完整数据备份及硬盘映像还原,将旧硬盘的数据无缝转移至新的固态硬盘上。上市时间KLEVV科赋CRAS C910 Lite作为一款面向主流用户的PCIe 4.0 SSD,拥有出色性能与优异兼容性,并提供5年质保服务。它将于2023年9月上市,如果想进步了解产品细节,可前往KLEVV科赋官方网站 ( ) 了解详情。如需更多相关信息,请参考 产品页面: 。关于KLEVV科赋  KLEVV科赋是艾思科旗下的高阶消费性品牌,主打DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器,产品覆盖电竞内存条以及SSD固态硬盘。KLEVV科赋致力于打造世界一流品质的产品,其全系列产品均为追求极致完美的电脑狂热者所设计。 

KLEVV科赋推出新款固态硬盘CRAS C910 Lite 带来高性价比存储方案

ESSENCORE将携最新KLEVV科赋内存和SSD亮相台北Computex 2023

SSENCORE将携最新KLEVV科赋内存和SSD亮相台北Computex 2023

5月30日至6月2日,台北国际电脑展(Computex 2023)将再一次与广大消费者相见,本届展会以“共创无限可能(Together we create)”为定位,聚焦高效运算、智慧应用、次世代通信、超越现实、创新与新创、绿能永续六大主题,预计将会有来自26个国家和地区的1000家厂商参展。   作为半导体及内存产品公司ESSENCORE艾思科及旗下消费型品牌——KLEVV科赋,在为期四天的Computex 2023中不仅会展示B2B企业解决方案, 还会推出众多专为游戏玩家、内容创作者与电脑发烧友打造的产品,当中包括上个月刚刚发布的DDR5 CRAS V RGB和BOLT V系列内存产品,以及将在下半年全新推出的SSD存储产品。   DDR5内存 解锁8600MT/s高性能 2021年10月28日,Intel推出第十二代酷睿处理器首次在PC上引入了DDR5内存,随着价格下滑DDR5内存今天已经是高性能电脑的标准配置。KLEVV科赋CARS V RGB是一款为游戏玩家、超频玩家设计的高性能DDR5内存,其最高速率达到8600MT/s,能够为Premiere Pro、DaVinci Resolve等生产力软件以及游戏提供充足的带宽,外观上不仅采用了环形无边角灯条,可显示出1680万RGB色彩,使用了高质量铝合金散热片,帮助内存发挥出8600MT/s高性能。同时它支持Intel XMP3.0(Extreme Memory Profile)一键超频技术与ODECC错误校正技术,帮助用户轻松实现高性能并拥有出色稳定性。  除了CARS V RGB外,KLEVV科赋还会在Computex 2023现场上展示DDR5内存BOLT V,采用低调的无RGB灯光方案,带有黑色外观铝合金散热片,高度仅有35mm,不会影响安装大型风冷CPU散热器,拥有出色的兼容性。为了满足日益增长内存容量需求,KLEVV科赋还研发了48GB大容量内存,也会在这次展会隆重推出展示。 PCIe 5.0 SSD 迈入高速存储时代 同样是在第十二代酷睿处理器上,Intel引入了原生PCIe 5.0标准M.2插槽,在经过近两年酝酿后,PCIe 5.0 SSD很可能在今年开始普及。对此KLEVV科赋也将在Computex 2023展示新的SSD,其中最耀眼的是CRAS C950 PCIe Gen5x4 M.2 SSD,它不仅读取速度达到了惊人的12000MB/s,而且采用独创的新型铝合金散热片,带来更佳散热性能。此外,KLEVV科赋还会首度曝光兼容Steam Deck的固态硬盘S710 M.2 SSD,带来有独特光效、持续写入速度达到7400MB/s的CRAS C910 RGB Gen4x4 M.2 SSD,为不同用户带来合适的存储方案。 Computex 2023是COVID-19疫情后商旅逐步正常化的首届展会,作为半导体产业具有影响力的优秀品牌,ESSENCORE艾思科已连续参加2018年、2019年两届台北国际电脑展,今年再次回归线下参展,欢迎大家在展会期间莅临台北南港展览馆1馆4楼N0808展位参观、体验。 关于艾思科(ESSENCORE)艾思科成立于2014年,矢志成为全球领导性的DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器供应商,核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。艾思科采用了先进技术、结合了专业人才,提供了不同于业界的差异化品质与服务,为消费者带来专业、优异、与多样化的记忆体产品组合。想了解详情,请访问官网。 关于KLEVV科赋 KLEVV科赋是艾思科旗下的高阶消费性品牌,主打DRAM内存条以及NAND存储器,产品覆盖电竞内存条以及SSD固态硬盘。KLEVV科赋致力于打造世界一流品质的产品,其全系列产品均为追求极致完美的电脑狂热者所设计。自2014年成立以来,KLEVV科赋一直着力于技术创新,致力于通过世界一流品质的高规格产品打造世界一流品牌,为企业及消费者打造最新的高质量存储技术解决方案,采用先进技术提供不同于业界的差异化品质与服务,在短短几年内业务范围就已经扩展至香港、深圳、台湾、韩国、新加坡等全球多个地方,在业界占有一席之地。产品近年来先后荣获2015、2019、2021及2022年德国红点设计大奖的肯定。想了解详情,请访问官网。 

ESSENCORE将携最新KLEVV科赋内存和SSD亮相台北Computex 2023

今日KLEVV科赋重磅发布DDR5 BOLT V 、CRAS V RGB超频电竞内存条 全新DDR5超频电竞内存条,速度狂飙势不可挡

今日KLEVV科赋重磅发布DDR5 BOLT V 、CRAS V RGB超频电竞内存条 全新DDR5超频电竞内存条,速度狂飙势不可挡

2023年 4月 26日,存储界领导品牌——KLEVV科赋于今日隆重发布2款新型超频电竞内存条,分别为DDR5 BOLT V、DDR5 CRAS V RGB,专为不同消费群体量身打造,支持Intel® XMP 3.0 和 AMD EXPO™一键超频,频率最高可达8000MT/s,致力于为玩家们带去不同凡响的狂飙速度和无与伦比的性能表现。    上乘工艺缔造品质存储KLEVV科赋BOLT V和CRAS V RGB 内存条均采用品质上乘的内存颗粒,以精益求精的制程工艺打造,通过知名主流主机板 ASUS、ASROCK、GIGABYTE 、MSI 的 QVL等多重验证测试,从源头保障内存品质与效能,带来更出色的产品可靠性,满足人们从游戏娱乐到商务办公等各类高规格应用软件程序。DDR5 BOLT V – 独特设计打造个性化装机KLEVV科赋DDR5 BOLT V内存条通体高级磨砂黑,突破原有设计规则,打造别具一格的雅致外形,专为追求外观简约、造型低调的用户们量身打造而成。BOLT V 内存兼顾高品质与高可靠度,是超频和游戏爱好者的不二选择。 KLEVV科赋BOLT V的铝制散热片虽外形简约,实则不简单,除了能为用户提供高效的散热之外,它还采用超低的34mm 高度设计,能为大型CPU散热器和客制化水冷提供额外超大空间,方便使用者随心所欲打造个性化装机系统。 规格方面,BOLT V超频电竞内存条同样提供32GB (16GBx2)双通道套组,主打6000MT/s(CL 30-36-36-76 @1.35V)、6400MT/s(CL 32-38-38-78 @1.35V)、6800MT/s (CL 34-40-40-80 @1.35V)三种速率 ,轻松应对用户不同装机需求。CRAS V RGB – 高频速率拉满疾速新体验 KLEVV科赋DDR5 CRAS V RGB外形采用精致摩登的美学设计理念,侧面独特的镂空铝制散热片,让RGB流光能从顶部与侧缝倾泻而出,有效散热的同时兼具时尚美观,为广大用户带去焕然一新的视觉体验。不仅如此,KLEVV科赋CRAS V RGB还能良好兼容ASUS、ASROCK、GIGABYTE与MSI的第三方灯光控制软件,让玩家们随心所欲客制专属RGB灯效,体验沉浸式灯光氛围。   在规格上,KLEVV科赋CRAS V RGB超频电竞内存条提供32GB (16GBx2)双通道套组,包括6000MT/s(CL 30-36-36-76 @1.35V)、6400MT/s(CL 32-38-38-78 @1.35V)、7200MT/s (CL 34-44-44-84 @1.4V)、 7600MT/s(CL 36-46-46-86 @1.4V)、 8000MT/s(CL 38-48-48-128 @1.55V)五种超高速率选择,充分满足超频高手、电竞玩家和内容创作者们更多装机需求。终身保固,品质看得见 此外,值得一提的是,KLEVV科赋两款新品内存均提供有限永久保固服务,不论产品使用多久,只要中间出现品质问题,都可以联系KLEVV科赋官方售后平台进行保修,免除用户的后顾之忧。写在最后的话 如果各位还想进一步了解关于新品BOLT V和CRAS V RGB的情况,可前往KLEVV科赋官方网站 ( ) 了解详情, 本次发布的BOLT V和CRAS V RGB内存条预计将于2023 年第二季度面世,届时会在各大网络电商平台及实体店面正式向大众发售,还请大家保持关注!  

今日KLEVV科赋重磅发布DDR5 BOLT V 、CRAS V RGB超频电竞内存条 全新DDR5超频电竞内存条,速度狂飙势不可挡



2022年11月23日,KLEVV科赋隆重宣布推出三款高性能固态硬盘新品,即CRAS C930、CRAS C910和CRAS C730。新一代 CRAS固态硬盘锁定多样化消费者族群,采用专业创新存储技术,能够激发系统无限潜能,带来令人震撼的非凡速度,彻底告别开机缓慢,加载等待,让人们体验不同凡响的疾速传输效能。    CRAS C930 – 高速领先 非凡呈现 CRAS C930作为KLEVV科赋此次发布的旗舰款产品,提供1TB和2TB两种容量规格,采用超高速Pcle Gen4界面与NVMe1.4技术规范,加上内置DRAM快取缓冲,全然突破速度限制,在2TB容量下带来7400MB/s的超高读取速度和6800MB/s 的写入速度,完美适用于 PS5游戏主机扩充需求,助力玩家零卡顿畅玩3A游戏大作,挑战严苛工作负载!    CRAS C910-强效装甲 冷酷登场KLEVV科赋CRAS C910提供1TB和500GB两种容量规格,运用Pcle Gen4技术,带来高达5000MB/s的读取速度和4800MB/s的写入速度,全面提升电脑性能,为游戏玩家、内容创作者,以及专业人士提供流畅无比的使用体验!   CRAS C730-不止出色 更超乎期待KLEVV科赋CRAS C730提供512GB、1TB和2TB三种容量规格,能够满足主流消费者对SSD固态硬盘的不同容量需求。CRAS C730采用Pcle 3.0界面,实现高达3700MB/s的读取速度,为用户带来更快的开机速度和更短的响应时间,大大提升人们的工作效率! 采用优异品质管理系统优异的传输性能必然依托于无懈可击的品质管理,KLEVV科赋CRAS C930、CRAS C910和CRAS C730皆通过多重严苛测试与验证,包括损耗均衡技术、温控调频机制、智慧SLC快取演算技术、SMART自我监测分析技术、AES256-bit加密技术和LDPC ECC错误校正技术,大幅提升固态硬盘整体效能与稳定性的同时,也更好的确保数据完整性,延长产品生命使用周期。 搭载先进3D NAND芯片不仅如此,KLEVV科赋SSD新品固态硬盘还搭载有先进的3D NAND芯片,与传统2D NAND技术相比,3D NAND 堆栈技术能提供更高的存储密度,更佳的耐用性和更低的功耗表现,可谓集所有技术优势于一身,使其拥有更加可靠的品质与更出色的总写入量数据(Terabytes Written),让用户轻松使用无负担! 配备高效铝质散热片其中KLEVV科赋CRAS C930和CRAS C910固态硬盘还随附一组高效铝质散热片,用户可根据个人偏好在设置中自由使用。有了散热片的加持,不仅能将多余热能有效从产品中导出,同时还能避免因产品过热导致损坏,确保长期可靠性,进而延长产品使用寿命。而且散热片均采用超轻薄设计,厚度仅为1mm,符合轻巧的M.2 2280接口规格,轻松兼容多种尺寸桌面计算机,迷你计算机,笔记本电脑等。 附赠Acronis True Image HD备份软件值得一提的是,KLEVV科赋CRAS C930、CRAS C910和CRAS C730固态硬盘还提供长达5年的质保服务,附赠一款功能强大的磁盘管理软件:Acronis True Image HD ,众所周知,Acronis是业内知名的数据备份、恢复与管理软件,其软件支持完整数据备份,以及全磁盘的映像还原,用户们能够轻松快速进行全磁盘的映像备份,将旧有硬盘内容无缝迁移至新的固态硬盘,简化换装新硬盘流程的同时,也能更好的保留操作系统启动信息。 综上来看,KLEVV科赋三款SSD新品不论品质效能还是技术创新都是同类别产品中超群绝伦的,能为游戏玩家、硬件发烧友以及创意工作者带来与众不同的操作体验。KLEVV科赋作为存储领域的领导品牌,多年来始终秉承着“创意革新”的品牌理念,在固态硬盘行业不断进行技术升级和产品创新,致力为用户带去更多、更好、更符合消费者需求的存储产品。


KLEVV科赋重磅推出5600高频DDR5 U-DIMM/SO-DIMM普条!

2022年11月8日,Essencore(爱思德)旗下高端品牌KLEVV科赋于今日正式宣布推出DDR5新一代5600高频普条,此前科赋DDR5普条频率为4800,为顺应高速的时代发展和市场需求,特别推出专为迎接次世代系统量身打造的高频内存条,拥有更低能耗,更强大的性能表现,不仅能更好的适配 Intel 第 13 代 Raptor Lake 处理器与 Z790 平台,同样适配 AMD Ryzen 7000 系列处理器和 AM5 平台。本次推出的DDR5高频普条分为U-DIMM和SO-DIMM两种产品形态,能够同时满足台式机和笔记本两种不同设备需求。     KLEVV科赋DDR5新生代U-DIMM/SO-DIMM内存条拥有5600MT/s的疾速效能,实现资料传输频宽高达44.8GB/s,带来超越以往的资料传输速度。KLEVV科赋DDR5新生代U-DIMM/SO-DIMM来自韩国原装进口,以凝聚专家团队智慧,汲取行业尖端科技为研发主力,严选行业翘楚SK海力士颗粒,让效能更上一层楼的同时也确保性能发挥的稳定性,很好的满足IT粉丝、装机达人、电脑狂热者和内容创作者对内存条的高性价比需求。 KLEVV科赋DDR5高频U-DIMM/SO-DIMM普条遵从国际电子技术协会JEDEC 的高标准规范,通过主机板厂 QVL 测试,能与市面上主流平台完美相容。另外,内置的低功耗板载电源管理芯片,可以带来更精准的电压控制,从而实现降低内存整体功耗与发热,使其工作电压仅为1.1V。不仅如此,KLEVV科赋DDR5高频普条还具备On-die ECC纠错机制,确保数据完整性的同时,还能实现保护存储器阵列免受单个数位错误带来的不良影响,进一步增强内存条性能发挥的稳定性。 KLEVV科赋DDR5新生代普条U-DIMM/SO-DIMM提供32GB容量(16GB×2)双通道套组和16GB单通道组两种容量方案,满足不同玩家与装机爱好者的多样化偏好需求。值得一提的是,KLEVV科赋DDR5新生代普条U-DIMM/SO-DIMM还提供终身保固服务,不论内存条使用多久,只要出现品质问题,用户随时都可以联系科赋官方售后平台进行质保服务,让消费者永无后顾之忧!  相比DDR4,KLEVV科赋DDR5新生代普条U-DIMM/SO-DIMM完美释放出专属次世代的非凡效能,拥有更快的速度和更优秀的功耗表现,让电脑实现跨越式的性能升级,带来更丝滑顺畅的操作体验。KLEVV科赋作为内存模组界的领导品牌,八年砥砺前行,秉承着“创意革新”的理念不断推陈出新,致力为消费者打造出精益求精的内存产品,让人们未来的数字生活体验更加丰富多彩!  

KLEVV科赋重磅推出5600高频DDR5 U-DIMM/SO-DIMM普条!

KLEVV科赋重磅推出CRAS XR5 RGB DDR5超频电竞内存条!

     2022年9月27日, KLEVV科赋正式宣布推出新一代DDR5超频电竞内存条——CRAS XR5 RGB ,采用全新DDR5记忆体标准,专为次世代操作系统量身打造,与第十二代Intel® Core™处理器和Intel® Z690晶片组主机板等平台完美搭配,拥有超凡的性能表现与优异的平台相容性,为所有追求突破的玩家们带来超乎预期的操作体验!   历经多重严苛标准,匠心打造而成 CRAS XR5 RGB集结KLEVV科赋背后强大的精英团队合力研发设计,采用精心淬炼的IC零組件,经过层层严苛监测标准和验证程序;内置PMIC 电源管理芯片与晶粒ECC(ODECC)错误校正技术,配以品质上乘的10层PCB电路板,让电源管理系统变得更有效率的同时,还能带来更佳的稳定性与更优异的信号完整性!   XMP3.0一键超频,拉满疾速快感 KLEVV科赋CRAS XR5 RGB 内存条皆通过QVL测试,与市面上主流主机板完美相融,支持Intel® XMP(Extreme Memory Profile)3.0一键超频功能,带来超越以往的资料传输速度与出色的超频潜力,让玩家们无需动手调整就能体验一键超频的疾速快感,全方位满足超频高手、电竞玩家、电脑狂热者和内容创作者对性能表现的至臻追求!     颜值实力派,完美匹配不同装机 KLEVV科赋秉承“创新进化”的品牌精神,致力提供内外兼备的优质内存产品,使内存不只好用,更要好看!KLEVV科赋新一代CRAS XR5 RGB 除了拥有绝佳的性能,产品的外观设计也是別出心裁,采用独特的环形导光条设计,配以高级冷白色调的铝质散热片,不仅让热传导效率变得更高,还使其外形变得新颖独特,更兼具时尚美观,能与市面上多种不同风格的装机完美匹配。   1680万色打造沉浸式灯效体验 令人更惊喜的是,此番新升级的KLEVV科赋CRAS XR5 RGB 支持1680万色RGB色彩呈现,使其灯光变换效果更加生动多彩,带来令人惊艳的幻彩流光,让你的电脑变得更耀眼夺目,为用户们打造身临其境般的沉浸式灯效体验。   终身质保,长效稳固服务 此次KLEVV科赋CRAS XR5 RGB 提供32GB容量(16GBx2)的双通道套组,消费者们可根据个人装机需求选择6000MT/s或 6200MT/s的超高传输速率。不仅如此,KLEVV科赋CRAS XR5 RGB 还提供完善的终身质保服务,让消费者享有更安心的售后保障。   如果各位还想进一步了解关于KLEVV科赋CRAS XR5 RGB的情况,大家可以前往KLEVV科赋官网以及优酷视频了解详情。KLEVV科赋CRAS XR5 RGB 新一代内存条预计会在2022年第四季度正式面向大众发售,届时请大家保持关注!     

KLEVV科赋重磅推出CRAS XR5 RGB DDR5超频电竞内存条!


 爱心筑梦,点亮未来!爱思德科技为云南三所乡村小学捐赠电脑,为社会责任尽一份心力   传递爱心,孕育希望。筑梦未来,义不容辞!   全球内存及存储领导品牌爱思德(ESSENCORE)与旗下消费品牌科赋(KLEVV) ,向云南省麻栗坡县下金厂乡新时代小学、仓房小学、大坝小学捐赠了一批教学电脑,捐赠仪式于11月11日上午在仓房村新时代小学举行。     爱思德科技(深圳)有限公司持续积极推进公益事业,致力于借助企业创新的科技优势,积极履行社会责任。近日公司了解到云南有许多地方教学资源十分匮乏,学生难以正常开展计算机课程,便决定将旗下科赋品牌的内存和固态硬盘组装成电脑,作为教学物资捐赠给这三所乡村学校,希望通过这样的方式,让这三所学校的学生都能够顺利开展计算机课程,学习到电脑知识。     捐赠仪式上,爱思德科技(深圳)有限公司总经理李洪九先生接受了学生代表递送的感谢信并发表捐赠感言。他表示,希望通过本次爱心助学捐赠活动,为当地的教育事业贡献企业的一份力量,同时也希望同学们能克服困难,从小树立远大的志向和崇高的理想信念,把建设家乡、建设国家和自己的梦想结合起来,长大成为一名对国家、对社会有贡献的人。     学生代表则致辞表示,会时刻怀着感恩之心,用实际行动回报热心人士的拳拳爱心,不辜负师长与社会的殷切期望。     捐赠仪式后,爱思德科技公司代表实地查看了学校的基础设施建设情况,对学校孩子们的学习环境和老师们的教学方法作了进一步了解。     此次爱心公益活动,共捐赠了51台教学电脑,解决了仓房村委会三所小学“上课十分钟,开机半小时”的计算机教育困境,缩短了农村与城市小学的教学差距,有效推进基础教育的进一步发展。对此,下金厂乡新时代小学校长表示:“我们将把他们带来的每一份爱,转化为我们学习的动力,我们的老师也会更加努力,学生更加给力,家长也会接力,让我们新时代小学用‘三力’教育办好新时代的明天,回报社会,回报祖国。”     回馈社会、关爱社会,一直是爱思德科技秉承的社会责任。此次捐赠活动虽然只是爱思德科技践行公益路上的一小步,但涓涓细流可以汇成江海,希望透过这次的活动发挥抛砖引玉的作用,鼓励更多爱心企业的共同投入。科技是第一生产力,想要偏远地区的孩子尽快跟上时代的步伐,硬件设备的加持必不可少。面对日新月异的科技变化,爱思德科技(深圳)有限公司希望能在自身快速发展的同时,也能充分发挥企业优势,运用资源帮助社会,成为内存及存储行业投身公益、践行社会责任的先行者。   关于Essencore爱思德 爱思德由一群半导体与内存的业界精英所组成,其目标是成为全球的领导内存及存储装置供货商。公司的核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。爱思德采用最先进的技术、结合核心专业人才,以期提供消费者最专业、优异、与多样化的内存产品。   关于KLEVV科赋 KLEVV科赋是爱思德旗下的高阶消费性存储品牌,提供的产品范围涵盖内存、存储卡、存储U盘及SSD固态硬盘等产品。科赋致力于提供世界一流品质的产品,所有产品均在韩国研发设计。科赋的内存产品也先后荣获 2015、2019、2021年德国红点设计大奖。     



   全球内存及存储领导品牌爱思德(ESSENCORE),旗下消费品牌KLEVV科赋,今日宣布推出全新DDR5内存系列产品,包含DDR5标准型内存以及DDR5超频/电竞RGB内存。科赋DDR5内存已通过市场主流主机板厂QVL验证,可完整支持专为Intel第12代核心处理器所设计的Z690平台。 科赋DDR5标准型台式电脑、笔记本内存:卓越的平台兼容性 科赋DDR5标准台式电脑内存(U-DIMM)采用SK海力士严选芯片,首发将推出16GB容量版本,规格依循JEDEC标准规范,采用4800MHz频率,时序CL40-40-40,以及更省电的1.1V工作电压。新标准的DDR5内存速度更快、稳定性更强,且超频潜力大幅提升,能轻松满足高阶玩家的极致需求。该内存套件已通过华擎、华硕、技嘉及微星等各大主板厂商的QVL测试验证,确保其在全新平台上的优异兼容性,而更高容量的单支32GB版本与DDR5笔记本内存(SO-DIMM),也将陆续推出。 科赋DDR5超频/电竞RGB内存:高达6,400MHz的极速效能 预计于2022年正式上市的科赋DDR5超频/电竞内存,将沿袭上一代旗舰款CRAS XR RGB DDR4内存的独特设计,并全新采用以白色为基调的散热片,旨在为玩家的电竞环境带来更具速度感的效能和更丰富的色彩表现。科赋DDR5超频/电竞内存系列将提供高达6,400MHz的超高频率,更多详细规格参数将于新品上市时公布。 DDR5:内存标准的开创性革新 DDR5是目前电脑生态系统最新的内存标准,与前代DDR4技术相比,DDR5最关键的升级在于容量与速度的双重提升与绝佳可靠性,此一新标准亦首次纳入板载电源管理芯片(Power Management Integrated Circuit ; PMIC)与ODECC(On-Die Error Correcting Code),以改善内存功耗、稳定性,并提供更好的超频效率。 供货及其他信息 科赋DDR5标准型内存将于2021年第四季投入量产,超频/电竞DDR5内存系列将于2022年推出,消费者可放心选择科赋最新DDR5系列产品来搭配次世代平台。 KLEVV科赋产品在各大在线电商平台与线下渠道均有售卖,欲了解爱思德科技/科赋全系列产品,请访问官网:http://www.essencore.com及    如需更多相关资讯,可参考科赋DDR5官方视频,请点击:   关于Essencore爱思德 爱思德由一群半导体与内存的业界精英所组成,其目标是成为全球的领导内存及存储装置供货商。公司的核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。爱思德采用最先进的技术、结合核心专业人才,以期提供消费者最专业、优异、与多样化的内存产品。   关于KLEVV科赋 KLEVV科赋是爱思德旗下的高阶消费性存储品牌,提供的产品范围涵盖内存、存储卡、存储U盘及SSD固态硬盘等产品。科赋致力于提供世界一流品质的产品,所有产品均在韩国研发设计。科赋的内存产品也先后荣获 2015、2019及2021年德国红点设计大奖。 


科赋发布USB3.2 S1 / R1移动固态硬盘,打造高效便捷存储利器

    全球内存及存储领导品牌爱思德(ESSENCORE),旗下消费品牌KLEVV科赋,近日推出两款高性能便携式固态硬盘新品:KLEVV S1 USB 3.2 Gen2x2 Type-C移动固态硬盘 & KLEVV R1 USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C移动固态硬盘,此为科赋首次推出移动固态硬盘产品,专为消费者行动生活而打造。新品兼具高传输性能和时尚外观设计,能在电脑、手机以及其他相容装置间快速存储与传输数据,致力于为相关需求的用户和创意工作者带来全新的体验。   KLEVV S1 移动固态硬盘—高达2000MB/s极致效能   作为一款高效移动办公利器,科赋S1移动硬盘采用USB 3.2 Gen2x2(20Gbps)高速介面与Type-C接口,最高连续读写速度可达2000MB/s,卓越的性能令人惊艳。S1更快的读取/写入速度能大幅缩短档案下载与资料载入时间,轻松即可将珍贵文件随身携带。此外,科赋S1移动硬盘还提供1TB与2TB两种容量版本,并贴心配备Type-C to C传输线与Type-C to A转接头,方便在不同硬件间无缝使用,不管是Windows还是Mac OS都能完美兼容,足以满足大多数消费者的存储需求。  在外观设计上,科赋S1移动固态硬盘采用特殊矩状外型与光滑表面处理技术,展现出品牌追求的极简美学风格,侧面则以金属感环状边框作为点睛之笔,美观大方的同时兼具极佳握持手感,彰显出科赋对细节绝不妥协的品质要求。底盖选用锯齿型铝质设计,以提供绝佳的散热效率,确保在密集使用下仍能保持优异的性能。   科赋S1 USB 3.2 Gen2x2 Type-C移动固态硬盘规格一览 传输介面:USB 3.2 Gen2x2(20Gb/s) USB接口:Type C (*随附Type-C to C数据线/ Type-C to A转接头) 容量:1TB,2TB 闪存芯片:严选3D闪存芯片 尺寸:80x80x10.5mm 重量:75克 保固:3年有限保固   KLEVV R1 移动固态硬盘—小巧机身搭配高效散热设计   科赋R1 USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C移动固态硬盘是一款集轻薄小巧、极大容量、飞快速度等多个优点的移动固态硬盘。采用USB 3.2 Gen2x2(10Gbps)传输介面,搭配严选3D闪存芯片,通过USB-C连接埠实现最高1000MB/s的连续读写速度。在容量方面提供500GB与1TB两种版本供用户选择,同时随盒附赠USB Type-C to C和to A双接口传输线,兼容主流操作系统(Windows/ Mac OS/ Android),无论是处理大量还是大型文件,R1移动硬盘无疑都是您的理想睿智之选。    除了优异的性能,科赋R1移动固态硬盘在外观方面依旧出色,外壳正反面分别采用不同材质, 正面外观为立体斜线凹纹处理、背盖为半透明可透视结构的雾面设计。为应对高性能,机身双侧亦匠心打造精细通气孔,同时内部搭载铜质散热片,透过导热性更佳的铜质散热片迅速将固态硬盘工作时产生的热能散去,保证其稳定运作进而延长使用寿命。     科赋R1 USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C移动固态硬盘规格一览 传输介面:USB 3.2 Gen2(10Gb/s) USB接口:Type C (*随附Type-C to C/ to A数据线) 容量:500GB,1TB 闪存芯片:严选3D闪存芯片 尺寸:107x48x12.1mm 重量:66.5克 保固:3年有限保固   即刻提供资料救援功能 科赋为S1与R1两款新品皆免费提供DoYourData资料救援软件,用户通过下载安装「Do Your Data Recovery Technician」应用软件,可快速完整的复原已删除、格式化甚至损坏的数据。   科赋与韩国T1战队携手巨献—《珍藏我们的回忆》音乐短片   继去年广受好评的”创造你内在的光”合作后,科赋再度与T1战队携手合作推出概念MV短片”Store our memories together/珍藏我们的回忆”(译名),更于MV中首次亮相KLEVV R1移动固态硬盘,歌曲以韩国温柔系歌手O3ohn原曲《Clouds》改编,并由T1电竞俱乐部化身乐队重新诠释,谱出留存记忆之美。该短片在科赋赞助的英雄联盟韩国冠军联赛(League of Legends Champions Korea;LCK)赛事中播放,迄今观看人数已逾百万人次。   销售渠道  KLEVV科赋产品在各大在线电商平台与线下渠道均有售卖,欲了解爱思德科技/科赋全系列产品,请访问官网:http://www.essencore.com及   关于Essencore爱思德 爱思德由一群半导体与内存的业界精英所组成,其目标是成为全球的领导内存及存储装置供货商。公司的核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。爱思德采用最先进的技术、结合核心专业人才,以期提供消费者最专业、优异、与多样化的内存产品。   关于KLEVV科赋 KLEVV科赋是爱思德旗下的高阶消费性存储品牌,提供的产品范围涵盖内存、存储卡、存储U盘及SSD固态硬盘等产品。科赋致力于提供世界一流品质的产品,所有产品均在韩国研发设计。科赋的内存产品也先后荣获 2015、2019及2021年德国红点设计大奖。   

科赋发布USB3.2 S1 / R1移动固态硬盘,打造高效便捷存储利器

KLEVV科赋发布CRAS XR RGB/BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存,探索疾速新纪元

全球内存及存储领导品牌爱思德(ESSENCORE),旗下消费品牌KLEVV科赋,于近日推出全新的CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存与BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存,此为KLEVV经典CRAS与 BOLT内存系列的新一代产品。凭借KLEVV科赋在半导体领域的长期深耕与深厚经验,全新一代的CRAS XR RGB与BOLT XR内存特别面向于超频玩家、创意工作者与科技狂热者,能为其相应的电脑环境带来非常显著的性能提升。  KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存——创意革新!灯效性能双出彩  KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存打破常规设计,用独特的无边角环形导光条,让RGB光线流动更加生动夺目。高达1680万色彩的RGB光效可供用户定制,并能与华硕ASUS AURA SYNC、微星MSI Mystic Light、技嘉GIGABYTE RGB Fusion和华擎ASROCK POLYCHROME RGB等主板灯效控制软件,还有雷蛇RAZER CHROMA游戏光效控制软件进行灯效同步设置,从而展现出令人惊叹的RGB灯光效果。近期,KLEVV科赋与全球知名电竞俱乐部T1的合作广告影片中,也展现出KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存极为出色的灯光效果。  KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存,沿袭CRAS旗舰系列严谨的产品设计理念,并且在质量和效能方面建立新的标准。全新的KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存在频率方面,提供3600MHz(CL值:18-22-22-42)、4000MHz(CL值:19-25-25-45)以及最高4266MHz(CL值:19-26-26-46)可选。所有版本均提供单条8GB(8GBx1)与16GB(8GBx2)套装。其中,3600MHz版本还提供单条16GB(16GBx1)与32GB(16GBx2)套装。  KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存能使电脑顺畅运行,同时让用户在通过系统运行高阶游戏时,获得更加优秀的游戏体验,并充分满足图像视频编辑软件的使用需求。该内存还采用全新设计的铝制散热片,能有效提升热传导效率,确保产品时刻处于稳定的运行状态。KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存经过严苛的内部测试程序,并通过主板厂商QVL验证,支持Intel XMP 2.0 一键超频功能,同时能良好兼容于市面上主流Intel平台及AMD平台。  KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存规格一览 类型:288 Pin DDR4 Unbuffered DIMM 频率:3600MHz,4000MHz,4266MHz 容量:3600MHz / 8GB(8GBx1),16GB(8GBx2),16GB(16GBx1),32GB(16GBx2) 4000MHz / 8GB(8GBx1),16GB(8GBx2) 4266MHz / 8GB(8GBx1),16GB(8GBx2) 电压:3600MHz / 1.35V 4000MHz / 1.4V 4266MHz / 1.4V CL值:3600MHz / 18-22-22-42 4000MHz / 19-25-25-45 4266MHz / 19-26-26-46 尺寸:(L)137.4x(W)42.5x(H)8.3mm 保固:终身有限保固   KLEVV科赋BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存——高速效能,极简王者  KLEVV科赋BOLT雷霆系列超频内存自上市以来,便受到高性能主机用户的欢迎。作为KLEVV科赋BOLT X超频内存的迭代产品,KLEVV科赋BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存以全新的外形与更加优秀的性能表现强势登场,提供3600MHz(CL值:18-22-22-42)和4000MHz(CL值:19-25-25-45)两个版本,均提供单条8GB(8GBx1)与16GB(8GBx2)套装。3600MHz版本还提供单条16GB(16GBx1)与32GB(16GBx2)套装。  KLEVV科赋BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存秉承BOLT家族系列一贯的低调简约设计。纯铝散热片搭配独特的立体浮雕线条,呈现出时下流行的极简风格。同时,KLEVV科赋BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存采用严苛的测试程序,确保产品始终保持高品质与出色的兼容性,通过主板厂商QVL验证,并支持Intel XMP 2.0 一键超频功能。  KLEVV科赋BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存规格一览 类型:288 Pin DDR4 Unbuffered DIMM 频率:3600MHz,4000MHz 容量:3600MHz / 8GB(8GBx1),16GB(8GBx2),16GB(16GBx1),32GB(16GBx2) 4000MHz / 8GB(8GBx1),16GB(8GBx2) 电压:3600MHz / 1.35V 4000MHz / 1.4V CL值:3600MHz / 18-22-22-42 4000MHz / 19-25-25-45 尺寸:(L)138x(W)36.7x(H)7.5mm 保固:终身有限保固   科赋本次面向主流高阶游戏与性能超频领域,推出的KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存及KLEVV科赋BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存,融入时尚极简的设计语言,在性能方面更达到新的高峰,尤其是KLEVV科赋CRAS XR RGB DDR4超频/电竞内存提供高达4266MHz的超高运行频率,对专业电竞玩家的游戏体验,与高端图片影音编辑创意工作者的工作效率都有直观提升。  KLEVV科赋品牌系列产品在中国国内市场由富基电通香港股份有限公司、北京鑫锐驰纵横科技有限公司、深圳市星睿奇光电有限公司总代理,在各大在线电商平台与线下通路均有售卖。  关于Essencore爱思德 爱思德由一群半导体与内存的业界精英所组成,其目标是成为全球的领导内存及存储装置供货商。公司的核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。爱思德采用最先进的技术、结合核心专业人才,以期提供消费者最专业、优异、与多样化的内存产品。  关于KLEVV科赋 科赋KLEVV是爱思德旗下的高阶消费性存储品牌,提供的产品范围涵盖内存、存储卡、存储U盘及SSD固态硬盘等产品。科赋致力于提供世界一流品质的产品,所有产品均在韩国研发设计。科赋的内存产品也先后荣获 2015及2019年德国红点设计大奖。

KLEVV科赋发布CRAS XR RGB/BOLT XR DDR4超频/电竞内存,探索疾速新纪元

科赋CRAS X RGB/ BOLT X 电竞超频内存3600MHz组合来袭,为您开启全新极速体验之旅

 全球内存及存储领导品牌爱思德(ESSENCORE),旗下消费品牌KLEVV科赋,近日宣布正式在本月为旗下受市场欢迎的热销超频内存——科赋CRAS X RGB和科赋 BOLT X,推出更高的新频率組合3600MHz版本,并提供单支包与双支包的多元组合,为用户带来全新的内存条极速效能体验。 科赋 CRAS X RGB 超频内存——炫彩照亮你的生活  科赋 CRAS X RGB 超频内存——炫酷与极速双重的体验 科赋CRAS X RGB沿袭科赋经典CRAS系列的精致与优雅,完美相容于ASUS华硕、MSI微星、GIGABYTE技嘉、 ASROCK华擎、 Razer雷蛇的RGB控制软件,拥有精雕细琢的散热马甲与水晶造型导光条,不规则的水晶宝石导光条,让RGB光线能从不同角度多元散射,让RGB流光效果强化升级。科赋CRAS X RGB 曾荣获2019德国红点设计大奖的产品设计奖。采用纯铝打造外覆散热片,最大限度提升热传导性,即使超频运行也不用担心内存过热,满足超级用户的全方位需求。 产品规格一览:类型 :288 Pin DDR4 无缓冲内存 (U-DIMM)速度频率:3200MHz, 3600MHz容量组合:8Gx1, 8Gx2, 16Gx1, 16Gx2电压:1.35V延迟时序:16-18-18-38, 18-22-22-42RGB支持:ASUS AURA SYNCMSI Mystic Light SyncGIGABYTE RGB Fusion 2.0ASROCK POLYCHROME RGBRAZER CHROMA尺寸:133.5 x 51 x 8 mm保固声明: 终身有限保固 科赋 BOLT X 超频内存——如闪电般迅捷  科赋 BOLT X超频内存——风驰电掣般疾速体验 科赋BOLT X系列超频内存,主打FAST LIKE A BOLT,如闪电般迅捷。采用特殊纹样设计的铝制散热马甲,将传热效果最大化,最大限度地提升热传导性,即使超频运行也不用担心内存过热。支持Intel XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) 2.0 一键超频功能,同时通过各大主板厂QVL认证测试,可兼容于各大主流主机板平台。采用经先进半导体技术制造并严选的内存芯片, 经过层层测试把关,仅选用最佳效能的内存模组,让你在游戏世界里体验如风驰电掣般疾速。 产品规格一览:类型:288 Pin DDR4 无缓冲内存条 (U-DIMM)速度频率:3200MHz, 3600MHz容量组合:8Gx1, 8Gx2, 16Gx1, 16Gx2电压:1.35V延迟时序:16-18-18-38, 18-22-22-42尺寸:133 x 33 x 5 mm保固声明:终身有限保固 科赋在本月为热销款产品CRAS X RGB/ BOLT X 推出新频率组合3600MHz,可谓是为广大游戏发烧友/电竞玩家、高端图片/影音编辑工作者带来的一大福音。科赋CRAS X RGB/ BOLT X 3600MHz版本,将助力用户轻松玩转3A级游戏大作,轻松满足4K分辨率高画质影音编辑需求,为用户开启全新的极速体验之旅。    除既有代理商业蓝海星河科技有限公司,KLEVV科赋亦透过富基电通香港股份有限公司代理销售。呼吁消费者购买时请认明正品以维护自身权益。 关于Essencore爱思德爱思德由一群半导体与内存的业界精英所组成,其目标是成为全球的领导内存及存储装置供货商。公司的核心目标旨在“改变世界,成为半导体界的领导者”。爱思德采用最先进的技术、结合核心专业人才,以期提供消费者最专业、优异、与多样化的内存产品。 关于KLEVV科赋科赋KLEVV是爱思德旗下的高阶消费性存储品牌,提供的产品范围涵盖内存、存储卡、存储U盘及SSD固态硬盘等产品。科赋致力于提供世界一流品质的产品,所有产品均在韩国研发设计。科赋的内存产品也先后荣获 2015及2019年德国红点设计大奖。

科赋CRAS X RGB/ BOLT X 电竞超频内存3600MHz组合来袭,为您开启全新极速体验之旅

[2020年1月17日] KLEVV科赋告知函

[2020年1月17日] KLEVV科赋告知函  


[2020年1月14日] KLEVV科赋严正声明

2020年1月14日] KLEVV科赋严正声明

[2020年1月14日] KLEVV科赋严正声明

KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB M.2 NVMe SSD Review: Bright Like a Diamond

The global TOP IT website, 'Tom's Hardware' updated the review of KLEVV CRAS 700 with other brands including the comparative performance test. Check out the article for more details!

KLEVV CRAS C700  RGB  M.2  NVMe SSD Review: Bright Like a Diamond

KLEVV has been announced as an offical PC memory partner for SKT T1

 KLEVV has been selected by SKT T1 as official PC Memory Partner once again. Looking forward to see T1 partnership marketing and special product for gamers of KLEVV !   

KLEVV has been announced as an offical PC memory partner for SKT T1

KLEVV’s CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD Offers Amazing Performance, Appearance, and Reliability

KLEVV, an emerging memory brand introduced by Essencore, is pleased to announce the official launch of the KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD. The new CRAS C700 RGB was first revealed during COMPUTEX 2019, and is targeted to deliver uncompromising speed and performance for intense gaming, overclocking, graphic design and video editing. The CRAS C700 RGB’s astonishing power is based on the most advanced semiconductor technology and the blazing fast PCIe Gen3x4 interface. This amazing SSD boasts dazzling full-color RGB LED lighting that makes it the eye-catching center of any PC. Utilizing PCIe Gen3x4 interface supported by NVMe 1.3 technology, CRAS C700 RGB can easily reach faster speeds than legacy non-PCIe products. With the support of Intelligent SLC (Single Level Cell) caching algorithm, it further allows higher endurance and better performance. Not to mentioned that the built-in DRAM cache buffer of CRAS C700 RGB is able to boost random performance. Together, these features help provide sequential read speeds as high as 1500MB/s, and sequential write speeds up to 1300MB/s. The drive is available in 120GB, 240GB and 480GB capacities. To support reliable long-term high performance, KLEVV’s unique aluminum alloy heatsink design reduces SSD core temperature by as much as 27 percent. The heatsink also enables dazzling user-customizable RGB lighting effects enhanced by the gemlike light diffuser. CRAS C700 RGB is embedded with eight RGB LEDs, which are individually controllable and compatible with ASUS Aura Sync, GIGABYTE RGB Fusion, MSI Mystic Light, as well as ASRock Polychrome RGB software, letting users design their own lighting effects upon preference across all these platforms. For gamers wishing to indulging in a truly immersive gaming experience, CRAS C700 RGB also works with the latest RAZER Chroma RGB software that fully integrates advanced lighting effects right into the games. (For users wishing to enjoy CRAS C700 RGB’s great performance without lighting effects, KLEVV also offers the CRAS C700 M.2 SSD, without RGB LEDs). Additional technologies are implemented into these ground-breaking products, such as the S.M.A.R.T. drive health monitoring technology and an intelligent thermal throttling algorithm to protect data safe and sound. Other cutting-edge technologies ensuring data integrity and endurance include a ten-layer PCB board, end-to-end data path protection and internal error correction, plus global wear leveling. The drive is so reliable that KLEVV offers a five-year limited warranty.

KLEVV’s CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD Offers Amazing Performance, Appearance, and Reliability

COMPUTEX 2019 KLEVV 科賦展出高時脈 CRAS X RGB DDR4 電競記憶體及 CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 固態硬碟

新興記憶體大廠 Essencore 旗下品牌 KLEVV 於 Computex 2019 攤位上展示全系列旗艦產品,其中最受矚目的莫過於即將上市的 CRAS 系列 RGB 記憶體及 RGB M.2 SSD。CRAS X RGB DDR4 電競記憶體其實不完全是新品,不過由於這間記憶體廠主要都是跟海力士合作,先前在時脈部分僅做到最高 3466MHz,這次真的是用盡洪荒之力,也要將這組基於海力士顆粒的記憶體,推上 3600、4000 及 4266 MHz,而隨著 AMD 平台的更新,目前到 3600 MHz 的版本都是可以相容於 Ryzen 平台做使用。全新的 CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 固態硬碟採用的是 PCIe Gen3 x4 超高速介面,並支援 NVMe 1.3 標準,除此之外,這款 M.2 記憶體是第一款之援 4 大板卡廠 ARGB 燈效的記憶體,這麼香的產品右怎麼能錯過呢?  Link :


COMPUTEX 2019: Computer Upgrade King 'khoe' hai bộ PC nhỏ mà mạnh

Không mang đến nhiều sản phẩm mới, tiệc tối thân mật và gặp gỡ báo giới do Global PR cùng các hãng đối tác như KLEVV, hãng độ thùng máy tính Computer Upgrade King,... cũng mang đến những sản phẩm tốt nhất của mình để giới thiệu đến khách tham quan.Đáng chú ý là hai bộ PC nhỏ gọn, đơn giản mà ấn tượng và sở hữu cấu hình mạnh của công ty Computer Upgrade King ( Trong đó, bộ PC có tên gọi Strantos Micro không chỉ sỡ hữu ngoại hình bắt mắt mà còn sở hữu sức mạnh xử lý vượt trội được xây dựng trên nền tảng AMD. Nếu như ngoại hình đơn giản, cứng cáp với khung kim loại, nhưng nổi bật bởi các tấm kính đen trong suốt tối ưu hiệu ứng các ánh đèn LED RGB sẽ cuốn hút ánh nhìn từ người dùng. Thì cấu hình của bộ PC này sẽ đáp ứng mọi yêu cầu sử dụng với các tác vụ nặng. Link :


에센코어 KLEVV, 오는 28일 개막하는 컴퓨텍스 2019에서 신제품 공개

메모리 기업 에센코어가 대만에서 개최되는 ‘컴퓨텍스(COMPUTEX)’ 행사에 참여, KLEVV(클레브) 브랜드의 신제품인 CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD와 기타 플래그십 제품을 발표한다. 에센코어는 오는 5월 28일부터 6월 1일까지 대만 타이페이 난강 전시홀 4층에서 자사 메모리 기술 및 소비자 브랜드인 KLEVV(클레브)의 새로운 제품들을 선보일 예정이다. KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB SSD는 화려한 RGB 라이팅은 물론, 속도와 안정성 측면에서 완벽을 기하는 NVMe SSD 제품이다. 알루미늄 방열판으로 Solid State Drive 제품 자체 방열 효과를 극대화 했으며, 보석같은 디자인의 양쪽 RGB bar를 통해 완벽한 차별화를 이루었다. 이 새로운 M.2 2280 제품은 PCIe Gen 3x4 인터페이스의 강점을 갖췄으며, NVMe 1.3 기술 지원으로 PCIe가 아닌 기타 제품들보다 뛰어난 속도를 자랑한다. CRAS C700 RGB SSD는 최대 1500MB/s의 읽기 속도와 1300MB/s의 쓰기 속도를 기록하며, 120GB, 240GB, 480GB의 다양한 용량 옵션을 갖추었다. Link :


Klevv veröffentlicht M.2-SSD mit RGB

Beim CRAS C700 RGB soll der Kühlkörper aus Aluminium laut Aussagen des Herstellers Klevv nicht nur eine hervorragende Wärmeleitfähigkeit sondern auch schillernde, vollfarbige Lichteffekte besitzen, die durch einen Lichtdiffusor verstärkt werden. Die neue M.2-2280-Formfaktor-SSD benötigt eine PCIe-Gen3-x4-Schnittstelle. Besagte Schnittstelle bietet neben der Unterstützung für die NVMe-1.3-Technologie ebenfalls eine höhere Geschwindigkeit als herkömmliche nicht PCIe-Produkte. Der CRAS C700 RGB kann eine Lesegeschwindigkeit von bis zu 1.500 MB/s und eine Schreibgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 1.300 MB/s erzielen. Die SSD ist in den Kapazitäten 120 GB, 240 GB und 480 GB erhältlich. Für alle Anwender, die die Leistung der CRAS C700 ohne Lichteffekt nutzen möchten, bietet Klevv auch die CRAS-C700-M.2-SSD ohne RGB-LEDs an. Link :



コンピュテックス タイペイ 2019のESSENCORE「CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD」発表最近注目のメモリー企業であるエッセンコアが、台湾で開催されるCOMPUTEXに参加し、KLEVVブランドの新製品である「CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD」と、その他のフラグシップ製品を発表する。今回はエッセンコアとして先導的なグローバルICT展示会であるCOMPUTEX台北への2回目のブース参加であり、エッセンコアは5月28日から6月1日まで台湾南港展示ホール4階でメモリー技術及び消費者ブランドであるKLEVVの新しい製品を披露する予定だ。 Link :


KLEVV finally lists its stunning RGB-Coated M.2 SSD

Klevv has finally finished putting the final touches on its CRAS C700 RGB SSD, which was revealed a year ago. The CRAS C700 might not be the fastest drive on earth, but it is certainly the prettiest SSD we've ever laid eyes on. Listed today, the Klevv CRAS C700 RGB SSD is a M.2 2280 drive that comes with its own heatsink complete with controllable RGB lighting. Klevv boasts that the heatsink does its job wonderfully thanks to its unique aluminum alloy heat dissipation technique. More importantly, the CRAS C700's RGB lighting is compatible with a wide range of motherboard RGB ecosystems, including Asus Aura Sync, Gigabyte RGB Fusion, MSI Mystic Light and ASRock Polychrome Sync.  Link :,39365.html


KLEVV CRAS X RGB: Up to DDR4-4266, Coming at COMPUTEX

KLEVV, a partner business of SK Hynix, has always been rather conservative when it comes to speed bins of its memory modules for gamers and overclockers, partly because the most popular volume models are still in the DDR4-3000 to DDR4-3600 range. This is going to change sometimes later this year when the company launches its new models of Cras X RGB modules.First introduced at Computex 2018, KLEVV’s Cras X RGB family of memory modules for enthusiasts included 8 GB and 16 GB DIMMs rated for DDR4-3200 CL16 18-18-38 as well as DDR4-3466 CL17 19-19-39 at 1.35V operation. At this year’s Computex later this month the company will launch faster versions of its Cras X RGB modules.The expanded family of Cras X RGB memory sticks will include DDR4-3600, DDR4-4000, and DDR4-4266 models. The DDR4-3600 speed bin will be compatible both with AMD Ryzen as well as Intel Core platforms, whereas the DDR4-4000 and DDR4-4200 speed bins will be aimed primarily at Intel-based PCs. Link : 


KLEVV releases CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD

The CRAS C700 RGB’s aluminum alloy heatsink not only offers superior heat conductivity, but also provides dazzling full-color lighting effects, enhanced by a glittering gem-like multi-faceted light diffuser, to ensure it will be the focus of any PC build. This new M.2 2280 form factor SSD takes advantage of a PCIe Gen3 x4 interface supported by NVMe 1.3 technology, offering faster speed than legacy non-PCIe products. CRAS C700 RGB can reach sequential read speeds as high as 1500MB/s, and sequential write speeds up to 1300MB/s, and is available in 120GB, 240GB and 480GB capacities. (For users wishing to take advantage of CRAS C700’s great performance without the light effect, KLEVV also offers the CRAS C700 M.2 SSD, without RGB LEDs). KLEVV employs its own unique heatsink design which can reduce SSD core temperature by as much as 27 percent, ensuring stable and reliable long-term performance. The CRAS C700 RGB will also be compatible with most motherboard platforms’ own RGB SYNC software, allowing users to design their own unique color and lighting displays seamlessly. The C700 RGB also features a ten-layer PCB board for better data integrity, and eight RGB LEDs which can be controlled individually.  Link : 


KLEVV CRAS X RGB memory wins 2019 Reddot design award!

KLEVV CRAS X RGB which followed the design of CRAS series wins in 'Product Design' of 2019 reddot Award! The new CRAS X RGB with unique vivid lighting flows has been specially designed to color up consumers life. As well as elegant and beautiful RGB lighting, CRAS X RGB has luxurious color and texture on aluminum heat spreader with unique, exquisite and precise pattern design on it.  

KLEVV CRAS X RGB memory wins 2019 Reddot design award!

KLEVV Your Hands Campaign Self-cam released

brand campaign going on! KLEVV has been supporting sub-culture artists to make them keep going on their dream. Ballet dancer Luda Lee and model Daniel took self-cam video by themselves while they performed their arts.  Luda travled to Germany with her younger syster Luma who is also a ballet fusion dancer, and finally won a prize. On self-cam video, you can check her way from Korea to England and to Germany again. Model Daniel also took a road trip with his extreme sports crew. Let's find their route of "I'm on my way".    

KLEVV Your Hands Campaign Self-cam released

KLEVV USB NEO C30 speed test video

KLEVV NEO C30 USB is designed for the life with comfort. Featuring superior transmission speed and trustworthy data integrity with a wide range of storage options, C30 speed test video has been made to check the real functionality of KLEVV NEO C30 USB. Besides speed, KLEVV NEO C30 USB provides  cap-protected design for dust-prevention and strap accessory hole for user friendly design. By taking full advantage of the SuperSpeed USB technology, the NEO C30 supports the hot swap, plug and play functions which secures your valuable data whenever you attach/detach the USB Flash Drive from corresponding devices.    

KLEVV USB NEO C30 speed test video

KLEVV NEO N500 SSD speed and performance test video

KLEVV NEO N500 SSD is designed for smarter life. Utilizing all the advantages of 3D NAND Flash technology, KLEVV’s brand new NEO N500 SSD will further bring your system performance to the next level.Featuring best-in-class NAND memory, we guarantees only most extraordinary storage experiencewith exceptional performance & unbreakable reliability. With 72-Layer 3D TLC NAND Flash, KLEVV NEO N500 ensures High processing speed and stability. KLEVV NEO N500 guarantees durability and enhanced performance through intelligent SLC Cache algorithm and LDPC ECC Engine which reduces the risk of data loss during high speed data transaction. KLEVV NEO N500 extended lifespan of SSD via global wear leveling. As you can find on the video, compared to traditional HDD, SSD(Solid State Drive) greatly improved data processing speed. The reading speed of KLEVV NEO N500 is up to 520MB/s which is approximately over three times faster than traditional HDDs. KLEVV NEO N500 SSD also offers an official software activation key of Acronis True Image HD, which provides full disk-image backup and universal restore, allowing users to transfer data from existing disk seamlessly.  

KLEVV NEO N500 SSD speed and performance test video

KLEVV x SGAEM LoL Final match at Sogang university in Korea

KLEVV supported the final game of LoL university match in Korea. SGAEM, the community of Sogang university collaborated with KLEVV and final match held in alumni hall of Sogang university. The finals were filled with energy of gamers, attendees and crowds as well.  The gift-giving and event with KLEVV have made it more fun. You can check out mood and feels of the spot on our video.   

KLEVV x SGAEM LoL Final match at Sogang university in Korea

KLEVV attended G-Star 2018 in Korea with SKT T1

G-Star 2018 was held at the Bexco exhibition center in Busan from 16th ~ 19th Nov. G-Star 2018 had nearly 3,000 booths where more than 650 game related companies from 30 countries participated. During this eye catching event, KLEVV participated at Twitch (a live streaming video platform for gamers) booth where the event was called “Join KLEVV in the SKT T1 Interview and signing event”.During the event on the 17th, KLEVV products (CRAS X RGB, BOLT X, NEO N500) were displayed and a huge crowd of people were amazed by the design & quality. Also, KLEVV Promotional AD video went live on Twitch with two SKT T1 players (within a short time the streaming view reached over 200,500 hits).It was a meaningful and fruitful moment to show the various KLEVV products and as well as the opportunity to communicate with the fans. *Twitch booth event “Join KLEVV in the SKT T1 Interview and signing event”  

KLEVV attended G-Star 2018 in Korea with SKT T1

Essencore releases stunning new gaming memory modules: KLEVV CRAS X RGB and BOLT X DDR4

This newest addition to Essencore's exclusive KLEVV range of professional gaming memory modules is the CRAS X RGB DDR4. KLEVV CRAS X RGB memory combines awe-inspiring fluid multicolor RGB lighting effects with top notch gaming performance, stability, and compatibility.    KLEVV CRAS X RGB is available in 8Gx2 and 16Gx2 configurations. It offers support for compelling speeds of 3466 Mhz as well as 3200 Mhz. It is compatible with the latest powerful Intel® processors. Essencore simultaneously announces the stylish, classy KLEVV BOLT X DDR4 Gaming Memory. This memory module is available in 4G, 8G or 16G configurations. It has support for speeds of 3200 Mhz and 2666 Mhz.  Breathtaking RGB lighting  Understanding that every users’ gaming experience can be unique and personal, KLEVV CRAS X RGB lighting effects are fully configurable and controllable by the user, allowing owners to create eye-catching, dazzling, or subtle background effects. KLEVV CRAS X RGB supports ASUS Aura Sync, Gigabyte RGB Fusion, MSI Mystic Light, as well as ASRock Polychrome RGB synchronization and management software, allowing users to illuminate their gaming PCs with stunning eye candy, such as mesmerizing RGB waves flowing across the array of memory modules.   Both the KLEVV CRAS X RGB and BOLT X have undergone Essencore's rigorous test procedures to ensure the highest quality and reliability. These DDR4 modules further feature reduced voltage and ultra-low power consumption while still maintaining unbeatable stability.    QVL approved and fully compatible   These new modules are QVL (Qualified Vendor List) approved. They are compatible with leading mainstream motherboards, as well as the latest Intel® CPUs, and also support Intel® XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) 2.0 technology for easy one-click overclocking. CRAS X RGB  Type 288 Pin DDR4 Unbuffered DIMM Frequency 3200 3466 Capacity 8Gx2, 16Gx2 Voltage 1.35V CL Value 16-18-18-38 17-19-19-39 RGB Support ASUS AURA SYNCMSI Mystic Light SyncGIGABYTE RGB FusionASROCK POLYCHROME RGB    Dimension 133.5 x 51 x 8 mm Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty  BOLT X  Type 288 Pin DDR4 Unbuffered DIMM Frequency 2666 3200 Capacity 4Gx1, 8Gx1, 16Gx1 Voltage 1.2V 1.35V CL Value 16-18-18-36 16-18-18-38 Dimension 133 x 33 x 5 mm Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty   Read more about the new KLEVV CRAS X RGB and BOLT X memory modules at:     ​ 

Essencore releases stunning new gaming memory modules: KLEVV CRAS X RGB and BOLT X DDR4

KLEVV DDR4 Gaming/OC memory BOLT X launching

Adhering to KLEVV’s low-profile yet powerful BOLT series, the brand-new BOLT X DDR4 gaming memory further brings your system performance to the next level. Applying strictly-selected memory chips made with advanced semiconductor technology,strictest screening procedure to deliver enhanced performance, the new BOLT X makes your system run FAST AS A BOLT! In pursuit of minimalism and simplicity, the brand-new BOLT X memory is extremely slim and lightweight. What’s more, by applying pecially-designed heat spreader made with 99.5% pure aluminum, BOLT X is extraordinary in heat conductivity and durability. Focusing on ecosystem compatibility, BOLT X has been tested with the latest Intel chipset/platform. With its XMP 2.0-ready feature, BOLT X is also perfect for gamers to experience the amazing speed by one-click overclocking! Specifications Format 288 Pin DDR4 Unbuffered DIMM  Capacity 4GB / 8GB / 16GB  Speed - 2666 16 18 18 36 - 3200 16 18 18 38  Voltage - 2666 1.2V - 3200 1.35V  Dimension (L) 133 x (W) 33 x (H) 6 mm  Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty      


KLEVV DDR4 Gaming/OC memory CRAS X RGB lanching

CRAS X RGB, which followed the design of CRAS series, newly defines the possibility of the next generation game memory KLEVV’s new CRAS X RGB DDR4 provides an ideal gaming memory for gamers, maniacs and overclockers by fully controllable RGB lighting and sophisticated heat sink. The new CRAS X RGB has passed rigorous internal standards to secure, not just the evolution of speed and function, but a new level of safety and compatibility. It is perfectly compatible with the current Intel platform and it’s certification enables it to operate in ASUS, MSI, GIGABYTE, ASROCKs own RGB software. Not only does it provide RGB synchronization to various PCs, but also offers RGB lighting mode with diverse colors that makes an artistic appearance. CRAS X RGB comes in a differentiative and artistic design by diffusing RGB lights in various angles and  applied a metal heater made of pure aluminum to maximize the thermal conductivity. CRAS X RGB provides both free control environment and full control of all memory through perfect compatibility with the RGB control software of every major main board brands. When using Intel or RYZEN platform, please update and use the latest version of the BIOS on the motherboard. In some specific PC environment, the platform itself may not be supporting quad channel. Specifications Format DDR4 Unbufferd DIMM  Capacity 8GBx2(16GB), 16GBx2(32GB)  Speed 3200 16 18 18 38 @1.35V 3466 17 19 19 39 @1.35V Dimension (L) 133.5 x (W) 51 x (H) 8 mm  Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty   


KLEVV's New Product Launching Party <KLEVV Your Hands> in Korea

This year, KLEVV has opened multiple sales marketing events and yesterday 19th July, KLEVV held the new product launching party in Korea. Almost 110~130 people from distributor, re-seller, vendor, sales channel and community, media were gathered to celebrate our new product launching in JW Marriot Hotel, and the event was continued from 11am til 4pm including luncheon.Sales customers from Korea and Japan were showing their most interest in our new CRAS X RGB and BOLT X memory and CRAS X NVMe RGB SSD. In the morning time, Jeff Ji announced ESSENCORE's history and KLEVV's future strategy, and after the lunch, Gina presented the new product introduction to the audiences. Attendees also enjoyed bingo and quiz events after appreciating KLEVV Your Hands campaign videos. Lastly, MJ Cho awarded 6 dear customer's of KLEVV those who have been struggled with us in Korea.You can find more detailed news and feeling of sites in below pictures and KLEVV facebook page as well. Looking forward to have a lot of valuable time with sales customers more often! 

KLEVV's New Product Launching Party <KLEVV Your Hands> in Korea

ESSENCORE participated in COMPUTEX Taipei 2018 with brand new products

ESSENCORE participated one of the world’s leading ICT exhibition, COMPUTEX Taipei, for the very first time this summer!  With our latest & upcoming product lineup, ESSENCORE’s booth has become an eye-catching site towards countless visitors, distributors, media around the world who were coming to the show. During June 5th to 9th 2018, ESSENCORE held it own booth alone with its signature premier brand, KLEVV, in COMPUTEX Taipei.  On the opening day, we are honored to have our President from SK C&C, Jeong Og Ahn to visit the booth with our managing executives.  Many of our important partners and customers also showed their presence in the following days to see our new milestone. In our booth, all of our existing products are displayed to show how far we’ve come for the past few years, as well as the upcoming new products, CRAS X RGB memory, NEO N500 SSD, and a very promising next-gen product – RGB NVMe M.2 SSD.  These new products have gotten a lot of attention with many news exposures from world’s leading medias, and we are hoping this is just a beginning. Besides showing our complete product portfolio, we also collaborated with other brands in the IT industry such as ASUS, MSI, Thermaltake, In Win, Aerocool, ThunderX3, and Fractal Design.  That’s also why we can see so many compelling hardware and casemods in the booth.  These new collaborations showed that we’ve becoming one critical part in the ecosystem, and we will be strived to achieve more from now on. To show we are a professional memory company/brand, we’ve arranged several special things in the booth.  The patent/industrial solution area claimed our technological advancement; the lighting box shows how sophisticated our products are being crafted.   And, to show we have both gaming & lifestyle products, several special ideas are also being applied in our booth.  The gaming zone lets people know that we are linked with the eSports community; the photo wall shows that we have microSD products to help people capture every precious moment; and the casemods such as foosball table machine definitely allows people to see our products while playing with it! We are really excited to share this event news with you, and thanks to everyone who contribute the time/effort to the show.  We are also excited about the next successful story that we are going to write! 

ESSENCORE participated in COMPUTEX Taipei 2018 with brand new products

KLEVV entered into a new sponsorship contract with SKT T1 for 2018-2019 marketing

KLEVV entered into a new sponsorship with SKT T1 the global no.1 LoL eSports team for 2018 and 2019 marketing. KLEVV will have marketing events with SKT T1 during this year, and SKT T1 eSports team players will support KLEVV marketing together. KLEVV logo attached on T1’s brand new uniform, and gamers can find KLEVV product and logos on T1’s playing videos.

KLEVV entered into a new sponsorship contract with SKT T1 for 2018-2019 marketing

KLEVV launched the brand new SD adapter line up for NEO microSD card in the market

Designed to enhance consumers mobile device experiences, KLEVV microSDHC/ microSDXC memory cards features read speeds up to 97MB/sm the latest SDA 3.0 specification, and storage capacity from 16GB to 64GB. By implementing the latest technology, KLEVV micro SD cards ensure the best performance, fast-action consecutive shooting, and smooth video recording. KLEVV selects best in class NAND flash chips to provide consistent durability and endurance, which is ideal for action devices that requires rigid quality. And NEO micro SD card provides superb specification for best user experience in mobile applications. This brand new SD adapter series for NEO micro SD card is now available in Asian regions with Japan market as its center and will be spread to all over. Please check our KLEVV micro SD card usage video on below link!

KLEVV launched the brand new SD adapter line up for NEO microSD card in the market

Opening KLEVV gallery page with Instagram photographers

KLEVV gallery page launched on Influencers who used KLEVV micro SD and USB have been posting their photos in KLEVV online photo exhibition. Instagram celebrities who have about 10~100k fans in their personal pages, were using KLEVV memory and take photos with the concept of . KLEVV Instagram and pages show various types of memory usage with 150~160 images. And consumers can visit our promotion page from the main-page banner of

Opening KLEVV gallery page with Instagram photographers

KLEVV is selected as <2017 Best Memory Brand> in Korea

KLEVV is selected as <2017 Best Brand> in ‘Memory Category’ in Korea and related article released on 27th December, 2017. KLEVV brand is introduced as "High quality Memory expert brand" on JoongAng paper article and online as well. Link ▷     KLEVV also was honored at the awards ceremony by media.

KLEVV is selected as <2017 Best Memory Brand> in Korea

Essencore’s memory professional brand KLEVV, launched CRAS II RGB, the new DDR4 gaming/OC module.

KLEVV CRAS series revived as CRAS II RGB with stunning RGB lightings to go beyond consumers expectations. CRAS II RGB is designed for extreme PC users, gamers to support their supreme performance with high-speed and refined design. Sanding and etching treatment was processed to produce neat and matt texture for luxuriousness. Tight-fitting and stylish pattern on CRAS II’s heat spreader expands RGB effects on all 3-sides of the module. Our dynamic RGB lightings with full configurations make various combination specially with 2, 4 or up to 8 sticks of modules all together. SUS AURA SYNC software enables fully programmable RGB lighting effects, memory monitoring, and additional integration with other RGB PC components. You can download the software at KLEVV homepage. KLEVV CRAS II RGB offers the maximum speed among KLEVV DDR4, supporting XMP 2.0 for overclocking users. And CRAS II RGB supports the latest platforms including the newest AMD RYZEN platform. Be sure to feel the superb performance of CRAS II RGB with AMD RYZEN.

Essencore’s memory professional brand KLEVV, launched CRAS II RGB, the new DDR4 gaming/OC module.

Which memory brand does SKT T1’s show host recommend?!

SKT T1, the world no.1 LoL players promoted the KLEVV products from USB to Gaming modules in advertising video.   On September 2017, SKT T1 players visited KLEVV show room in STLAB, and participated in the home shopping video for promoting KLEVV memory products. They see the products and using them directly and also did unboxing for KLEVV DRAM, SSD, mSD and USB products.  In KLEVV official facebook page, you can find the 3 language versions of T1’s show host video.  T1 fans and all other gaming PC users enjoyed this interesting concept of video and share on their pages as well.  Global eSports fans can find our KLEVV video in T1’s official YouTube channel as well.  Through KLEVV and SKT T1 facebook page, everyone who live in Korea or Taiwan can participate in the sharing event with gift prize of metal gaming mouse pad exclusively signed by the one and only SKT T1 players.  

Which memory brand does SKT T1’s show host recommend?!

KLEVV participated in the College Festival in Korea

KLEVV joined at college Festival of Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul campus, participating at 2017 Danawa Academy Festival on 14th of September   In a beautiful fall weather, university students gathered in the lawn plaza in Sungkyunkwan university. Danawa, the no.1 IT/PC Hardware online channel in Korea, hosted KLEVV as sponsoring brand in this fall season campus festival. KLEVV showed our branded products in exclusive booth and held the stamp event with gift items like KLEVV mousepad, ball pen, note and also the memory products.    University students who join in the festival hold KLEVV bags all around the campus in this day.   

KLEVV participated in the College Festival in Korea

KLEVV launched social media channels in Japan

KLEVV launched social media channels for consumers in Japan.KLEVV memory products have been on sale from last year, but from this September 2017, we reinforced our marketing supports in Japan market as well as sales.   KLEVV SSD, microSD card and USB products are inhabitable in various on/offline channels in Japan including Amazon, Rakuten, NTT-X store etc. Online channel URL Amazon NTT-X store Rakuten Janpara Just my shop Joshin Hikaritv Akibaoo Lohaco PC one& #039s D shopping Akiba Direct Don’t miss out on the action by clicking on the links below! Blog ▷ Twitter ▷ Facebook ▷ Instagram ▷ 

KLEVV launched social media channels in Japan

KLEVV Officially Launches in Taiwan Market

 EssencoreLimited, a noteworthy newcomer in DRAM modules and NAND Flash application products (including Gaming Memory Modules, Solid State Drives, USB Flash Drives, & microSD Cards), today announces the launch of its signature house brand KLEVV in Taiwan market.  Afastor Corporation, a very well-known local distributor, will be the official distribution partner of KLEVV products for both online and offline channels. Since the beginning of KLEVV brand, Essencore has continuously dedicated in providing best-in-class memory/storage products to users around the world.  Being famous for its role as the “sci-tech island”, Taiwan is surely a critical and meaningful market towards Essencore/KLEVV.  Through introducing KLEVV’s premier products to Taiwan, Essencore hopes to show exceptional product quality and user experience to all Taiwan consumers and enthusiasts. KLEVV products are now available in major e-commerce/retail channel Autobuy, and will be expanding to more online/office stores in Taiwan very soon.  For those who interested in KLEVV products, please visit the “where to buy” page of our website, or contact Afastor for  further information.   Online channel URL  Autobuy PChome Momoshop  udn shopping Sinya isunfar Myfone

KLEVV Officially Launches in Taiwan Market

KLEVV launches brand in SK T-world

 KLEVV entered SK T-world the official branch retail store of Korean No.1 telecommunication company SKT from this month.    SK T-world has around 3,000 offline stores in Korea.Here, people can buy mobile/tablet, smart watch, portable Wi-Fi, and accessories like case, film, battery, cable, sound system and microSD card, USB products as well.Now consumers can meet our KLEVV microSD card and USB products when they visit T-world store for getting mobile or RMA service for their mobile devices. KLEVV microSD card NEO and USB 3.0 NEO Black Edition products are listed in nShop channel as well.  Owners of franchises, direct management stores also can choose KLEVV to display on their stores. This will be our 4th time to launch brand in offline stores after Book store (Youngpoong, Kyobo, Bandi & Lunis), Stationary store (Alpha, Samhwa) and Convenience srote (7-eleven).    Some T-world stores provide consumers cafeteria and services as well, so anyone who want to look the newest IT devices and experience the latest technology with mobile, peripheral, accessories can visit the sites.  This means KLEVV is proved in the market with high quality and solid reliability, since SK T-world only allows brands that fit into their highest standard. ESSENCORE will broaden sales channel not only in online but in this kind of offline stores so that the brand awareness of KLEVV can be more spread to the consumers in Korea. 

KLEVV launches brand in SK T-world

KLEVV Launches the Latest USB 3.0 Flash Drives, NEO C30

Compelling read performance of up to 110MB/s 4 capacity options for diverse needs Essencore Limited, a global leading storage solution provider, today reveals its latest USB flash drive model, KLEVV NEO C30 USB 3.0 Flash Drive. It is the second USB flash drive product launched this year under the KLEVV house brand, showing that Essencore/KLEVV is aggressively expanding its NAND Flash product lineup to serve consumers around the world.          Featuring compelling transmission rate, the maximum sequential read/write speed of KLEVV NEO C30 Flash Drive is up to 110/60 MB/s, which helps users to copy, restore, or backup files in a flash. It is also available in 4 capacity options from 16GB to 128GB, which can be a vast storage device for the need of BYOD.     Capacity  16GB   32GB   64GB   128GB  Form Factor  USB 3.0 Sequential Read Speed (up to) 110MB/s Sequential Write Speed (up to) 60MB/s  Dimension 58.00 (L) x 17.40 (W) x 6.83 (H) mm Weight 4.74g  Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty *Performance may vary due to different hardware platform, software, usage and storage capacity. Adhering to the brand spirit of “less is more”, this newly-launched device faithfully represents the perfect combination of functionality and simplicity. The fine-sanding surface texture with simplified design of KLEVV NEO C30 USB 3.0 Flash Drive indicates that our dedication to artistry can be embodied in every detail; and the exquisite strap hole with low-key yet fashionable look makes it extremely easy-to-carry for today’s mobile world. KLEVV NEO C30 USB 3.0 Flash Drive is now available for ordering. For further information, please visit Essencore/KLEVV website at or   

KLEVV Launches the Latest USB 3.0 Flash Drives, NEO C30

KLEVV unveils NEO N600 M.2 SSD, as Its first M.2 Solid State Drive for consumer market

Compelling transmission speed of read performance up to 560MB/sBundled with complimentary data backup software Essencore Limited, a global leading storage solution provider, today unveils its first M.2 Solid State Drive product of KLEVV brand, the NEO N600 M.2 SSD. Inheriting all the advantages of previous SATA 6Gb/s SSD under the same series, NEO N600 M.2 SSD is further targeting at users/enthusiasts who are eager to bring their system performance to the next level.    This brand-new SSD deploys the mainstream M.2 2280 form factor with SATA 6Gb/s interface, and comes in capacity of 120/240GB. The sequential read/write speed is up to 560/510 MB/s for compelling performance. Featuring such astonishing transmission speed with accountable stability, KLEVV NEO N600 M.2 SSD uses only strictly-selected memory chips through its sophisticated screening methodology. Under rigorous test criteria, KLEVV NEO N600 M.2 SSD makes extraordinary and smooth storage experience possible.       Host Interface  SATA Revision 3.1 (SATA 6Gb/s)  Form Factor  M.2 2280 Capacity 120GB, 240GB Controller SMI SM2256  Max. Sequential Read Speed 560MB/s  Dimension 80.00 (L) x 23.00 (W) x 3.70 (H) mm Weight 8g  Warranty 3 Year Limited Warranty  KLEVV NEO N600 M.2 SSD adopts only the most state-of-the-art storage technologies. It supports SLC cache mode for high endurance and TRIM command for performance improvement, and is equipped with hardware LDPC ECC and RAID Engine to offer additional level of data protection. What is more, its DEVSLP function allows the SSD itself to go into low power state for better power efficiency; and the global wear leveling technology also helps to optimize the reliability while accessing the drive frequently for data storage.    Plus, all KLEVV NEO N600 M.2 SSD comes with an official license copy of Acronis True Image software, a quick & #039n easy full image backup software. With this value-added bundling software, users can freely backup and restore their valuable data seamlessly without any hassle.    KLEVV NEO N600 M.2 SSD is now available for ordering. For further information, please visit Essencore/KLEVV website at or  

KLEVV unveils NEO N600 M.2 SSD, as Its first M.2 Solid State Drive for consumer market

KLEVV entered into a sponsorship contract with SKT T1 for 2017 marketing

SKT T1, the global number 1 LoL team will be a partner of KLEVV this year againKLEVV will provide the interview video and advertising posters with SKT T1 SKT T1 is the world’s best eSports team who won the world championship for 2 years in a row. And CNN, ESPN once announced ‘Faker’ the most famous player in SKT T1 as a “Michael Jordan in eSports world”.LoL (SKT T’1 game) is the most popular online game in the world and last year, monthly users were over one hundred millions for LoL.Specially the viewership of T1 game on last year recorded almost 4 hundred millions which is over then viewer of NBA final championship and world series of major league. Some media estimate T1’s brand value as KRW 65 billion which is everage value of major 500 leading companies in Korea.KLEVV sponsorship for T1 started from 1st of April 2017 and will end on 31st of March 2018. During this period, we can see our KLEVV logo on T1’s uniform, SKT T1 official website and T1’s Youtube channel. Furthermore we will make a marketing video with SKT T1 like we done before.


KLEVV launches a new DDR4, CRAS II

Enhanced design of CRAS II for PC enthusiasts after winning the Reddot Design Award of CRAS. Premium DDR4 memory fully compatible with Intel Z270 chip, 200 series and AMD RYZEN. KLEVV, a house brand of Essencore, announced the release of DDR4 CRAS II. This newly launched model will strengthen its DDR 4 line-up with their upcoming model ‘BOLT’. KLEVV brings the premium DDR4 memory for PC enthusiasts, CRAS II. It assures the overclocking performance with the speed of 2400, 2666 and 3000. It also achieved its reduced latency and lower power consumption. KLEVV CRAS II 3000 has memory timings of 15-16-16-36 which is upgraded from the previous DDR4. It is expected to achieve the rated speeds at just 1.35V as it is targeted those who want the best PC performance to enjoy every single moment. At the same time power consumption has been reduced due to improvements in LED.  Speed300026662400 15-16-16-36 15-15-15-35 15-15-15-35 Capacity 4GB, 8GB, 16GB 4GB, 8GB, 16GB 4GB, 8GB, 16GB Voltage 1.35V 1.2V 1.2V Retail Package4GBX1, 1 4GBx28GBx1, 8GBx216GBx1, 16GBx24GBX1, 1 4GBx28GBx1, 8GBx216GBx1, 16GBx24GBX1, 1 4GBx28GBx1, 8GBx216GBx1, 16GBx2 LED OptionsRedorWhiteRedorWhiteRedorWhite SC Kwon, the president of Essencore Korea Office highlighted that “KLEVV practices strict quality testing, control and rigorous examination by 3D inspection along with test report for final consignment. CRAS II is fully compatible with the latest Z270 chipset, AMD RYZEN and is an Intel XMP2.0 certified product. Especially, the LED lighting on each side of the heat spreader differentiates CRAS II in the market.” While retaining the same color options of red and white following the previous model, CRAS II has been remodeled with its LED lighting on three sides of the memory. CRAS II package features a semiautomatic magnet cover for consumer’s convenience. CRAS II has designed its heat spreader with sanding and etching treatment to produce the neat and matt texture, and to adjust the intensity of illumination for luxuriousness. Additionally, heat spreader is made up of the 99.5% pure aluminum which handles well in extreme heat condition with conductivity and durability. It also has been designed with exquisite carving skill to provide a unique and tight-fitting pattern. KLEVV CRAS II will be available globally soon.     


KLEVV official launch in India market

Tirupati Enterprises Brings KLEVV Brand To India

Essencore Limited, a noteworthy newcomer in DRAM modules and NAND Flash application products (including Gaming Memory Modules, Solid State Drives, USB Flash Drives, & MicroSD Cards), is pleased to announce the launch of its premium brand KLEVV in India. Tirupati Enterprises is the official distribution partner for KLEVV in India and shall be promoting the brand in the online and offline space.Essencore is the company behind the new brand KLEVV. The company currently specialises in a range of DDR4 and DDR3 memory modules, including DDR4 ‘ CRAS ‘which was awarded the 2015 Red Dot Design Award  and DDR3 ‘ GENUINE ‘, where quality and design are the main focus for the KLEVV brand. These models are unique as they feature LED lighting. There other models which will be available in India are ‘Urbane’, ‘Neo’, ‘Fit’and ‘Fit Faker Edition’.“KLEVV, being a late comer in the memory industry, has gained significant presence within the gaming community for its uncompromised quality and performance.” says Yon Sung Hun, the Head of KLEVV Branding & Marketing. “With top-notch engineers from leading memory manufacturers, we provide the best user experience, which is exactly the core value of KLEVV.”According to Niranjan Singh, National Sales Manager, Tirupati Enterprises “You will start to see KLEVV memory modules across India and online in the coming weeks. Our target customer is the enthusiast gamer who is looking for high performance memory with cutting-edge features.”KLEVV memory modules are made from the highest quality chips, have top quality heat sink, and have LED lights which are a major attraction for the gamer. KLEVV was established by a group of figures from Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix. Its goal is to become a leader in semiconductor distribution and premium memory products.


KLEVV enters Solid State Drive market with its first 2.5 inch Urbane SSD

Today, Essencore’s premium memory brand KLEVV announced the worldwide release of the Urbane solid state drive, its first 2.5 inch SSD. Utilizing the SATA III specification with a maximum performance of 6 Gbps, the Urbane SSD is powered by a quad-core, 8-channel controller, reaching a blistering 560MB/s read and 530MB/s write, with read/write IOPS up to 90k. KLEVV has been known for its innovation and excellence in DRAM modules, microSD cards and USB flash drives. By launching the Urbane SSD, KLEVV now offers a more complete and reliable memory solution to the public. Compared with traditional hard drives, the Urbane SSD consumes less power and is more efficient. This drive makes virtually no noise at all, due to its ability to access data completely electronically instead of electromechanically, resulting in excellent transfer speeds and mechanical ruggedness.The Urbane SSD is available in 240GB, 480GB and 960GB capacities. Brimming with low-key style, the hairline surface design provides sophisticated finish to the SSD. KLEVV SSDs are aim to bring customers high performance, high speed and enhanced reliability. The design of KLEVV SSD shows modern and sophisticated look differentiated with others.  KLEVV offers its SSD products with a 3-year warranty.( Users can also easily enjoy the service of KLEVV SSD Toolbox and Acronis True Image HD 2015 at the KLEVV data migration software center (   About EssencoreEstablished in March 2014, Essencore Limited, a company founded by a group of key figures from the major Memory IDMs, is sought to become the world& #039s top vendor of DRAM Modules and NAND Flash application products. The company behind is SK Group, the third largest conglomerate in South Korea that owns SK Hynix (2nd largest memory supplier). With its premium brand "KLEVV," Essencore has introduced Gaming Memory Modules, Micro SDs, USB Flash Drives, and Solid State Drives. Committed to deliver the world-class products with first-rate quality, all products are designed in South Korea, a country known to own two of the largest Memory IDMs. KLEVV Memory has been internationally recognized by Germany& #039s Red Dot Award and its company has been spotlighted by mass media for its relation to SK Group and SK Hynix. For more information, please visit

KLEVV enters Solid State Drive market with its first 2.5 inch Urbane SSD

KLEVV announces production of new line up of gaming memory “FIT” with LoL player Faker

KLEVV FIT DDR3 gaming modules in a new era of PC gaming world

Essencore Limited, a noteworthy newcomer in DRAM modules and NAND Flash application products, has announced its new line up of Gaming memory modules “FIT” with its brand name “KLEVV”. There’s two versions of the FIT original/ Faker edition and based on these, KLEVV finally became well equipped fully supporting the customer’s ‘perfect fit for the best performance’.  Being reduced to its necessary element, KLEVV FIT DDR3 memory distinctly proves the motto ‘Perfect fit for the best performance’. By adopting select memory ICs and severe test procedures, the reliable performance brings you the essentials to conquer the world. KLEVV FIT covers 8/16 GB of capacity and maximum 12secs of speed voltage for 2133 so that users can enjoy moderate range of performance with still reliable quality. The new FIT memory package is much smaller and lighter than previous modules so that consumers can easily handle it. FIT chips fabricated using KLEVV’s previous lowest process technology. This results in a memory that is thin, more efficient in power consumption and lightning fast. Premium oriented memory brand KLEVV with existing 4 line up of memory modules, may take this chance to broaden their horizons not only for product but also for targets especially by special “Faker edition FIT”.Faker edition was designed inspired by Faker(SangHyeok Lee) the world class LoL player. KLEVV made this special edition perfectly fit for Faker and his play and breathe a new life into not only the world of memory but the world of gamers who want to enjoy a full potential of gaming performance.Within the package you can find the Faker’s signature and gaming performance image. Faker edition FIT will have 1st launching on 15th of Aug. and from then, will be sold only at until out of stock For promotion of Faker edition, Faker himself will be at PAX Prime ’15 in Seattle and meet his fans face to face with KLEVV.  KLEVV aim to further strengthen its product line-up and maintain its reliability in the competitive memory market. In the near future, KLEVV will continue to introduce more advanced memory products to expand its global presence and to accelerate growth.      KLEVV FIT   KLEVV FIT Faker edeition


KLEVV official launch in European market

KLEVV DDR RAM “Gaming Modules” launched in Europe

Essencore Limited, a noteworthy newcomer in DRAM modules and NAND Flash application products (including Gaming Memory Module, Solid State Drives, USB Flash Drives, & MicroSD ), is pleased to announce the sales kick-off in European countries with its brand “KLEVV”.    In attempt to expand its global presence and to accelerate growth, Essencore hopes that this KLEVV product launching will help to efficiently deliver its premium products to its European customer.   As a young company founded in 2014 by CEO IU Kim, Essencore strives to become world’s leading vendor of both DRAM modules and NAND Flash application products. To achieve this goal, Essencore has introduced its house brand “KLEVV” with the industry’s first-rate quality and best performing In a conscious move to strengthen brand awareness and products at this early stage, KLEVV will focus on the three key consumer markets of U.S., Europe and China. Of all regions, Europe is deemed to have the highest potential, with its huge population of tech enthusiasts. Starting in Germany, UK, and Poland in summer 2015, KLEVV products will soon be available in all corners of Europe.   SS Roh, Vice President of Essencore and Director of KLEVV division comments: “It’s a great opportunity for us. We are extremely proud to be taking this step, which will no doubt be considered as a stepping stone for KLEVV success in Europe for years to come. Our intention for this year is to focus on the major markets in Europe and start developing channel and growing the number of distributors, retailers and e-tailers so that consumers can enjoy KLEVV products.”   IU Kim, President of Essencore comments: “Despite the fact that more than half of the memory chips in the world are manufactured by Korean companies, there’s been no Korean module maker that produces consumer-centric memory application products. By combining the technical know-how in memory, funding power of SK Group and family-like relation with SK Hynix, Essencore will no doubt become the world’s leading consumer company in a very short period of time” He concludes.   About Essencore Limited   Established in March 2014, Essncore Limited, a company founded by a group of key figures from the major Memory IDMs, is sought to become the world’s top vendor of DRAM Modules and NAND Flash application products. The company behind is SK Group, the third largest conglomerate in South Korea that owns SK Hynix (2nd largest memory supplier). With its premium brand “KLEVV,”   Essencore has introduced Gaming Memory Modules, Micro SDs, USB Flash Drives, and Solid State Drives. Committed to deliver the world-class products with first-rate quality, all products are manufactured in South Korea, a country known to own two of the largest Memory IDMs. KLEVV Memory has been internationally recognized by Germany’s Red Dot Award and its company has been spotlighted by mass media for its relation to SK Group and SK Hynix. 


Gamescom 2015 announcement

Essencore launches KLEVV in a bid to up the ante in the European memory market

KLEVV to launch its first low-profile memory and SSD at Gamescom 2015  Seoul, Korea, 21st of July 2015 – Essencore Limited is announcing the company´s European launch of their premium brand KLEVV to take place at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany from August 5th to August 9th 2015. The company Essencore, an emerging challenger in the DRAM and NAND market, including gaming memory modules, SSDs, USB Flash Drives and Micro SD cards, launched its house brand KLEVV in early 2015 in the US and now turns its focus to Europe with the Gamescom as the ideal platform. Besides the existing DRAM gaming modules the company will also unveil additional new products at the exhibition in Cologne.   In an attempt to meet its potential European customers, gamers and enthusiasts face to face,KLEVV announced it will be attending this year’s Gamescom, Europe’s largest gaming event.  KLEVV will not only expose its current line-up of gaming modules, but the full line-up of SSDs, USB Flash drives and Micro SD cards will also be displayed. The new low-profile DDR3 module named “Fit” is the company´s response to requests from existing customers and fans for a low-profile model and will be introduced along with the company´s first SSD, the “Urbane” SSD, which will be the very first model to start KLEVV´s SSD line-up.   SungSoo Roh, the Vice President of Essencore and the Director of KLEVV division comments:  “We want to take the opportunity at Gamescom 2015 to meet our fans and customers face-to-face and celebrate our official European launch with them. Offering solutions to the European gamers and enthusiasts and their ever growing standards, in terms of design and performance, is what they truly deserve and what KLEVV is dedicated to.”   Starting this summer, KLEVV products will be available in Germany and the UK. UK gamers and enthusiasts can expect to be able to order KLEVV modules in a matter of a few weeks. Availability in Germany will be given soon as well. In the meantime, KLEVV is also looking into other European territories, trying to reach as many European fans in every corner as soon as possible.   Visitors joining Gamescom 2015 are all invited to the KLEVV booth in hall 10.1, booth B73. Media and customers are invited to schedule meetings by contacting KLEVV´s PR agency Talk Technology GmbH via email: On-site visitors will have the opportunity to test out the latest KLEVV products as well as participate in various events to have a go at winning KLEVV products and additional prizes.   KLEVV to launch its first low-profile memory and SSD at Gamescom 2015   About Essencore Limited   Established in March 2014, Essencore Limited, a company founded by a group of key figures from the major Memory IDMs, is sought to become the world’s top vendor of DRAM Modules and NAND Flash application products. The company behind is SK Group, the third largest conglomerate in South Korea that owns SK Hynix (2nd largest memory supplier). With its premium brand “KLEVV,”  Essencore has introduced Gaming Memory Modules, Micro SDs, USB Flash Drives, and Solid State Drives. Committed to deliver the world-class products with first-rate quality, all products are manufactured in South Korea, a country known to own two of the largest Memory IDMs. KLEVV Memory has been internationally recognized by Germany’s Red Dot Award and its company has been spotlighted by mass media for its relation to SK Group and SK Hynix. 


KLEVV proudly supports SK Telecom T1 e-sports team

Our sponsored team, SKT T1 , is currently battling in the LoL CHAMPIONS Korea Spring 2015 Finals and sweeps GE Tigers 3-0.      They also won the second place in MSI(Mid-Season Invitational) at Tallahassee Florida in May. 8th, 2015. We are proud sponsors of the Spring 2015 champion. Please keep watching KLEVVs sponsorship with SKT T1  

KLEVV proudly supports SK Telecom T1 e-sports team

KLEVV DRAM modules announced on techarx

Essencore announced today that they were entering the premium semiconductor module brand, dubbed KLEVV. Essencore is a semiconductor module subsidiary of SK Group, created to bridge the gap between memory chip manufacturers and end users by bringing memory related products directly to the market without selling the ICs to third party manufacturers who would then create DRAM modules. What’s interesting is that the umbrella company SK Group also owns SK Hynix – one of the main DRAM IC manufacturers in the world, so in essence KLEVV seems to be backed by them. This is really interesting since unlike other prominent DRAM IC manufacturers like Samsung and Micron, SK Hynix does not have any in-house brands of their own when it comes to memory modules. This is set to change with KLEVV.As of now, we know of a couple of memory modules that KLEVV is planning to bring to the market. First up is their DDR4 modules, dubbed Cras. Cras modules, as the pictures suggest, will come with a rather tall headspreader and will have LEDs built into those headspreaders. These kits will come in 2x4GB to 4x8GB modules and will be available in speeds from 2133-3200 MHz CL15 and CL16 configurations.       Those kits look sweet, no? (Image Courtesy: in line are their DDR3 modules. KLEVV Genuine is their top end DDR3 module, followed by KLEVV Urbane and the budget oriented KLEVV Neo. The Genuine modules will have LEDs in the heatspreaders. Both the Genuine and the Urbane will be available from 1600 MHz C9 to 3200 MHz C13 configurations, and the Neo modules will be available from 1600 MHz CL9 to 2400 MHz CL11.          Last but not the least, KLEVV will also sell budget oriented single stick DRAM modules in JEDEC specs.This is certainly an interesting development in the memory space and has the potential to spice things up. We will keep you posted on any further developments on this. 

KLEVV DRAM modules announced on techarx
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