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  • xfastest, 11th March, 2022
  • 高速讀寫、強化散熱、輕巧有型 KLEVV 科賦 R1 可攜式 SSD
  • 之前與玩家介紹的 KLEVV 科賦產品,主要都是記憶體與 SSD,而近期推出的 R1 可攜式 SSD,則是內建具備 SK Hynix  3D TLC 記憶體的行動儲存裝置,並提供了 1,000 MB/s 高速讀寫,做為資料存取、或是遊戲使用都很合適的一款行動儲存產品。規格:傳輸介面:USB 3.2 Gen2 (10Gb/s)傳輸線:Type-C to Type-C、Type-C to Type-A容量:500 GB、1 TB記憶體:3D NAND 快閃記憶體最高連續讀取速度:1,000 MB/s最高連續寫入速度:1,000 MB/s尺寸:107 x 48 x 12.1 mm重量:66.5 g保固聲明:3 年有限保固 半透明外殼內藏銅散熱片,散熱與造型兼顧KLEVV 科賦作為 ESSENCORE 旗下的品牌,主攻消費級市場,之前介紹過像是 CRAS 系列的記憶體及 SSD,也都是受到許多玩家們喜歡的產品,也因為是屬於 ESSENCORE 旗下的品牌,因此在記憶體產品上多半看到都會使用 SK Hynix 顆粒,在品質上可以說是有所保障。這次新推出的 R1 USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C 可攜式 SSD,是 KLEVV 科賦目前第一款行動儲存裝置類產品,在規格上算是中階的定位,採用 USB 3.2 Gen2 介面,提供 1,000 MB/s 的最高讀寫速度,另外比較特別的是,KLEVV 科賦有送 DoYourData 資料救援軟體,如果一時誤操作刪除檔案,還有機會自己將資料救回。 → R1 可攜式 SSD 外包裝一覽。   →包裝背面有產品特色及規格資訊。   →包裝內有 R1 可攜式 SSD 及連接線。在外觀部分可以看到十分特別,設計上小巧精緻,正面為具備立體紋路的設計,背面部分則是使用科技宅會喜歡的半透明材質,另外側邊設計了一個布標點綴。  → R1 可攜式 SSD 外觀一覽。    →在側邊可以看到有布標做裝飾。   →背面為半透明的塑料材質。由於外觀的造型設計採用的不是金屬材質,在散熱部分就需要採用比較特別的設計,背面半透明塑料外殼內部,使用了銅材質的散熱片覆蓋 M.2 SSD,也在兩側做了透氣孔設計,藉此讓內部的 M.2 SSD 不會出現過熱降速的問題。這次內部的 M.2 SSD 使用的是標準 2280 尺寸的 NVME SSD,控制器選用了支援 PCIe 3.0 x4 的 Realtek RTS5765DL 控制器,並搭配了 2 顆 SK Hynix 的 512GB TLC 記憶體顆粒。  ​→塑料殼的一側,內部也有銅材質的散熱片。​  →側邊有精細側面透氣孔設計。在接口方面,這次 KLEVV 科賦 R1 可攜式 SSD 採用的是 USB 3.2 Gen2 介面,可以提供 10Gb/s 的傳輸速度,基本能滿足 1000MB/s 的最高讀寫速度,而比較特別的是,配件內附的線材,直接使用 1 分 2 的線,給到 Type-C 及 Type-A 兩種接頭,方便使用的同時,要注意連接的插槽是否為 USB 3.2 Gen2 介面,搭配正確的接口使用才能達到完整的傳輸效能。  →側邊為 USB Type-C 插孔。  →連接線一端為 Type-C,另一端為 Type-A。 KLEVV 科賦 R1 可攜式 SSD 性能實測KLEVV 科賦 R1 可攜式 SSD 從 Crystal Disk Info 中可以看到,產品支援 S.M.A.R.T.。這次測試選擇 CrystalDiskMark、ATTO Disk Benchmark、Blackmagic Disk Speed Test 及 PCMark10,從多面向進行效能實測,從結果來看軟體實測下,最高讀寫速度均有達到官方標示的 1000 MB/s,不過也可以發現在 Blackmagic Disk Speed Test 下實測檔案讀寫,讀寫效能會稍有折扣,但也都能輕鬆應付 4K 影音剪輯的需求。另外在測試過程中透過 CrystalDiskInfo 來觀察溫度變化,長時間讀寫的情況下,溫度會上升至 60 度左右,散熱表現還算可以。   → CrystalDiskInfo SSD 基本資訊。   → CrystalDiskInfo 長時間讀寫溫度表現。CrystalDiskMark 測試,循序讀取 1047.45 MB/s、循序寫入 1060.04 MB/s、R70%/W30% 混和讀寫 907.12 MB/s。 → CrystalDiskMark。ATTO Disk Benchmark 測試,循序讀取約為 1002 MB/s、循序寫入約為 998 MB/s。 → ATTO Disk Benchmark。Blackmagic 的 Disk Speed Test 主要測試影音檔案讀寫的速度,並透過表格讓創作者知道儲存裝置的讀寫可以支援到什麼規格的影音剪輯需求,測試結果讀取約為 933 MB/s、循序寫入約為 834 MB/s。 → Blackmagic Disk Speed Test。PCMark 10 的 Data Drive Benchmark 主要是模擬小檔案傳輸來進行效能測試,測試結果獲得 1263 分的成績,頻寬為 195.03 MB/s、平均存取時間 128 µs。  → PCMark 10 Data Drive Benchmark。 DoYourData 軟體,保戶你的資料購買 KLEVV 科賦儲存類產品有些會附贈實用的軟體給使用者,像是 SATA、M.2 儲存類產品會提供 Acronis True Image HD 資料備份軟體,而這次 KLEVV 科賦 R1 可攜式 SSD 則是提供 DoYourData 資料救援軟體,讓使用者在誤刪資料的情況下,可以快速地找回意外遺失的資料,而軟體取得方式也只要跟著官網的步驟操作,即可申請到軟體的授權碼。   →DoYourData 軟體需要在官網申請序號。 KLEVV 科賦 R1 可攜式 SSD 總結 這次 KLEVV 科賦推出的 R1 可攜式 SSD 在規格上,做為一款讀寫速度在 1000 MB/s 的外接儲存產品來說,整體表現算是中規中矩,對創作者的影音資料儲存,或是遊戲玩家的遊戲檔案儲存來說,都算是十分方便,並且採用 USB 3.2 Gen 2 規格,在現在的主流平台上使用都可以輕鬆享有完整的效能。而針對創作者類型對資料安全有要求的使用者來說,除了在散熱上有不錯的表現,在實際連續讀寫測試下溫度能維持在 60 度左右,不用擔心會有過熱降速的問題,另外再加上只要購買 R1 可攜式 SSD,就會附 DoYourData 資料救援軟體,產品本身也具備 3 年保固,在安全性上絕對能給到不錯的保障。
  • KLEVV BOLT XR DDR4 記憶體系列2nd November, 2020
  • KLEVV 一口氣推出「CRAS XR RGB」及「BOLT XR」兩款新型號,兩者設計概念相同以環形無邊角設計,整體外觀感覺十分不錯,亦因為使用自家集團 SK Hynix 的 DJR 顆粒,超頻方面有一定保證,雖然今次超頻結果沒有上次「CRAS XR RGB」般高,但考慮到 DDR4-3600MHz 規格,能夠買到採用 DJR 顆粒的產品已算是不錯。
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  • 【開箱】Hynix顆粒、環形幻彩RGB!KLEVV CRAS XR RGB &BOLT XR 超頻記憶體。16th November, 2020
  • 你第一眼看到哪支記憶體呢?是光芒四射 #CRAS_XR_RGB還是簡約沉穩 #BOLT_XR哪一支都沒關係,就讓 原價屋coolpc 帶你一起挖掘科賦新品背後的潛能!#CRAS_XR_RGB 4000MHz 在1.5V下,輕鬆直達4600MHz#BOLT_XR 3600MHz 在1.5V下,簡單超上4266MHz除了顏值,我們還有不同凡響的實力!
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  • 拒絕光污染? 走燈唔該 KLEVV BOLT XR DDR4 3600 C18 記憶體2nd November, 2020
  • 繼上次CRAS XR RGB新品後,這次 HKEPC Lau Kin Lam - 林仔 帶大家來看除了RGB外的新選擇 BOLT XR!在搭配第三代AMD Ryzen處理器時,可輕鬆超頻至4600MHz以上!
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  • 時脈推進至 DDR4-4333MHz,SK Hynix DJR 顆粒的 KLEVV Bolt XR 記憶體動手玩26th October, 2020
  • 除了RGB外,還有另一種選擇!KLEVV科賦BOLT XR DDR4記憶體,即使不發光也阻擋不了與生俱來的質感在1.45V下,速度輕鬆從3600MHz提升到4333MHz感謝 BenchLife - 科技台 的小評測,動手幫自己的電腦升級一下吧~
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  • 獨特無邊角環形導光條與全支援性RGB燈效、Klevv CRAS XR RGB DDR4-4000開箱動手玩16th October, 2020
  • 看完之前幾篇CRAS XR RGB DDR4記憶體的超頻性能,現在跟著 PCDIY online 以淺顯易懂的方式,更了解KLEVV科賦旗艦新品!不僅良好相容於Intel、AMD雙平台,也支援5大RGB燈光控制軟體!跟死氣沉沉的電腦說再見,一起幫它換上不一樣的新氣象吧!
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  • 無邊角環形導光條設計,KLEVV CRAS XR RGB DDR4 記憶體動手玩5th October, 2020
  •  全新KLEVV科賦CRAS XR RGB DDR4電競/超頻記憶體,已經上市囉!搶先一睹在 BenchLife - 科技台 簡單調校下,輕輕鬆鬆就能超出4666MHz高速~讓你看看什麼是有實力的低調- 無邊角環形RGB導光燈條- 支援RGB燈光控制效果- XMP 2.0一鍵超頻- 兼容各大主流平台- 嚴謹測試為求最高品質
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  • Klevv NEO N610 1TB SSD 開箱測試3rd September, 2020
  • KLEVV科賦NEO N610上市了來看看 Coolaler滄者極限 專業開箱測試,馬上幫自家電腦🖥升級一波!- 4通道主控制器,增進資料傳輸效率- 內置DRAM,提供更高效能表現- 更進化的快閃記憶體管理機制- 堅不可摧的產品耐用度 Link:
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  • 推薦 MacBook 隨身在外 USB-C、USB-A 雙頭隨身碟6th August, 2020
  • Enter 手上的電腦都是有 USB-C,周邊配件 SSD、充電器、充電線很多都已是 USB-C。但到外面工作或開會時,發現環境中的 USB-C 還是沒那麼普及,拿著最新的電腦、手機,有電卻派不上用場,巧婦難為無米之炊,格外諷刺。 Link:
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  • 推薦 MacBook 隨身在外 USB-C、USB-A 雙頭隨身碟16th July, 2020
  • 大家是否也有挑選USB隨身碟的困擾?擔心接口限制?攜帶不方便?外觀考量?快來參考 EnterBox 推薦的KLEVV科賦NEO D40 OTG隨身碟, 馬上找到你心目中的『理想型』!在Mac操作環境下,一樣輕鬆讀寫資料 Link:
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  • 嚴選 DJR 顆粒、水晶燈效+H6 KLEVV CRAS X RGB DDR4-3600 16GB Kit15th July, 2020
  • 韓國 SK 旗下記憶體品牌 KLEVV 都登陸香港一段時間,最近 KLEVV 推出了全新的 「CRAS X RGB DDR4 3600MHz 16GB Kit」,由於 KLEVV 與 SK Hynix 隸屬同一集團,擁有原廠優質 IC 供給優勢,超頻能力相當出眾,頂部擁有水晶造型導光條提供更出色的 ARGB 燈光效果,絕對是外觀與性能兼備。 Link:
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  • Klevv CRAS microSD A2 256GB 記憶卡開箱10th February, 2020
  • 還在尋找合適的記憶卡嗎?KLEVV科賦稍早前推出的CRAS系列microSD記憶卡,符合SDA最新的A2規格,適用於各種行動裝置的資料檔案存取與攝錄影機的影像紀錄與播放,64GB到128GB的卡片更能支援4K影片格式。感謝Coolaler滄者極限 的第一手詳細評測,點擊文章了解更多吧!   
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  • KLEVV CRAS microSDXC 記憶卡 / UHS-I U3 高速存取影音創作好夥伴20th January, 2020
  • 春節假期剛結束,是否記錄了許多與家人的出遊或團圓照呢?知名科技媒體XFastest Media 測試了KLEVV科賦的CRAS microSD記憶卡,並評為”高速存取影音創作好夥伴”,快來看看文章了解更多!   
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  • KLEVV CRAS X RGB Ram & CRAS C700 RGB SSD 開箱直播12th November, 2019
  • 感謝台灣所有KLEVV科賦粉絲朋友們熱情參加我們與 @xfastest media 合作的科技開箱直播活動!各位的熱情與好奇我們都感受到了,經過這次的直播,相信大家對我們旗艦款CRAS X RGB DDR4記憶體與CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD都有更深的認識了吧!不要忘記現在到11/13(日)為止,還可以上網填寫隨堂考卷,抽抽我們精心準備的小禮物喔!
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  • Review column and video of KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB NVMe SSD13th October, 2019
  • 台灣知名科技媒體 XFastest Media 最近對KLEVV科賦新品CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD作了詳細的評測,甚至還把我們的散熱片拆下來實測!根據實際的測試結果,除了讀寫效能高於宣稱數據外,「安裝散熱片後連續寫入下可降低約 16 % 的溫度,這款 KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB 的散熱片的確能夠有效的達成降溫效果。」這樣兼具美觀、效能、與穩定的RGB M.2 SSD,快來試用看看! 評測連結:
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  • 水晶寶石造型導光 RGB 設計與優秀的超頻能力表現 7th October, 2019
  • 還在猶豫尋找最佳的遊戲記憶體嗎?最近台灣知名科技媒體 XFastest Media對我們KLEVV科賦CRAS X RGB DDR4記憶體3466MHz的版本做了詳盡的開箱評測,結果令人意外地驚喜!經過編輯團隊實測,不僅用料精細,甚至可輕鬆超到4000MHz的好成績,快看內文瞭解更多關於CRAS X RGB的驚人表現!
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  • CRAS X RGB DDR4 8Gx2 3466 with sophisticated RGB design and OC performance1st October, 2019
  • 科賦 KLEVV CRAS X RGB DDR4 8Gx2 3466 / 水晶寶石造型導光 RGB 設計與優秀的超頻能力表現。先前本站有介紹具備寶石造型導光條的 KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB M.2 PCI-E SSD,當然 KLEVV 在記憶體方面的產品線也有搭載 RGB 燈效與寶石造型導光條的版本供玩家選擇。這次所要開箱的是 CRAS X RGB DDR4 電競超頻記憶體。CRAS X RGB 系列在頻率上共有 DDR4 3200 C16 與 3466 C17 兩種版本可供選擇,另外在容量上也分成 8Gx2 與 16Gx2,主打高頻率的時脈設定提供出色的超頻性與電競效能,並且也特別針對相容性強化,無論使用 Intel 還是 AMD 平台均可以提供優質的相容性。除了擁有極致的效能以外,在 RGB 方面一樣與 CRAS C700 RGB SSD 一樣,採用半透明的水晶寶石造型導光條,讓 RGB 光線能從不同角度多元散射並呈現霧面感,創造更為吸睛與動人的燈光效果,其極具特色的外觀更獲得在設計界中十分殊榮的 2019 Red Dot Design 紅點產品設計大獎。並且支援四大主機板廠商 (華碩 Aura Sync、技嘉 RGB Fusion、微星 Mystic Light、華擎 Polychrome RGB) 與 RAZER CHROMA 的 RGB 燈效同步技術,可以透過主機板端同步所有支援的 RGB 零組件的顏色與效果。 
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  • 平價升級 SSD 的最佳選擇26th September, 2019
  • KLEVV科賦是您升級SSD升級的最佳選擇。快來透過XFastest Media的產品評測,掌握更多關於KLEVV NEO N510+ 的產品訊息。
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  • RGB 寶石造型散熱片兼顧散熱與外觀燈光效果22nd August, 2019
  • 台灣知名科技媒體 XFastest Media 最近對KLEVV科賦新品CRAS C700 RGB NVMe M.2 SSD作了詳細的評測,甚至還把我們的散熱片拆下來實測!根據實際的測試結果,除了讀寫效能高於宣稱數據外,「安裝散熱片後連續寫入下可降低約 16 % 的溫度,這款 KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB 的散熱片的確能夠有效的達成降溫效果。」這樣兼具美觀、效能、與穩定的RGB M.2 SSD,快來試用看看!
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  • KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB NVMe SSD 240GB 開箱測試15th August, 2019
  • 還記得 Coolaler滄者極限 上次所作的KLEVV科賦CRAS C700 M.2開箱測試嗎?這次又帶來RGB版本的評側內容了!「帶有能與主板同步的華麗 RGB 燈效」,快來體驗看看吧!Ps. 各大電商平台現已開賣。
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  • KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB NVMe SSD review in Korean IT media21st May, 2019
  • M.2 SSD면서도 RGB LED가 점등되는 제품이기 때문에, 패키지에서도 RGB LED를 강조하는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 패키지 정면 하단에는 5년 무상 보증 서비스와 Acronis 백업 번들 소프트웨어 지원, 3D NAND 및 NVMe 1.3 인터페이스 적용, SLC 캐싱의 특징이 작은 심볼로 표현되어 있습니다.중앙부에는 ASUS Aura Sync를 지원한다고 표기되어 있는데, 퀘이사존에서 다룬 제품은 샘플이기 때문에 하나의 LED Sync만 기재되어 있습니다. 정식으로 판매될 제품에서는 메이저 마더보드 제조사의 RGB LED Sync가 모두 지원된다고 하네요.(ASUS Aura Sync, GIGABYTE RGB Fusion, MSI Mystic Light, ASRock Polychrome RGB)패키지 후면에는 제품 특성과 스펙이 간략히 기재되어 있으며, 해당 제품은 480GB 모델이기 때문에 최대 읽기 1,500 MB/s 및 최대 쓰기 1,300 MB/s 속도로 동작합니다. 패키지 내에는 M.2 SSD가 완충재에 담겨 있습니다. ESSENCORE KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB NVMe (480GB)의 가장 큰 특징은 RGB LED를 지원한다는 것입니다. 레인보우 색상으로 순환하는 기본 LED 모드 외에도, 마더보드에서 제공하는 RGB LED 소프트웨어를 이용하면 LED 동기화 기술을 적용하는 것이 가능합니다. 해당 제품의 경우 샘플이기 때문에 정상적인 LED 동기화를 적용하기 어려웠지만, 실제 판매될 제품은 메이저 제조사의 RGB LED 소프트웨어를 이용해 LED 동기화를 적용하는 것이 가능합니다.LED 데모를 위한 구성에서는 ESSENCORE KLEVV CRAS X RGB를 함께 사용했는데, 흡사 반짝거리는 보석을 보는 것 같은 느낌을 주어 화려한 인상을 주었습니다. Link : 
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  • KLEVV CRAS C700 RGB SSD teased ahead of COMPUTEX 201914th May, 2019
  • Essencore, an emerging memory company, will be showing several new additions to its flagship KLEVV range of eye-catching high-performance products at the Computex 2019 show in Taipei, Taiwan, including RGB-equipped M.2 SSDs and memory modules. This is Essencore’s second appearance at Computex, following a successful debut last year. The company will be showing its latest technology along with these new KLEVV products at booth number M0619a at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 from May 28th to June 1st.  Link : 
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  • Hands-on overclocking memory KLEVV BOLT X28th December, 2018
  • Indonesian IT/Hardware community PemmzChannel introduced KLEVV BOLT 2x4GB 2400 MHz and CRAS II 2x8GB 3000MHz memory together with AMD RYZEN platform! Please find the video review for the details on KLEVV memory.    
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  • Various KLEVV products review in Korean IT/hardware community Quasarzone18th December, 2018
  • Korean no.1 IT/Hardware community Quasarzone took video review for all of KLEVV memory products at one glance. In this column, they took a look at all the memory (RAM) released by KLEVV at once from DDR3 memory released in 2015, to the KLEVV DDR4 CRAS X RGB that has been introduced in the recent quasarzone column. There are almost 12 kinds of them. Quasarzone said there are quite a few companies that release such a wide variety of memory and it's even more surprising to consider that the history of KLEVV is not so long. Especially KLEVV's memory products have different designs despite their large number of product types. They have their own individuality, and LED memory support has been introduced for a long time. From standard memory to RGB DDR4 gaming memory, please take a look on column and video clips on the following!  
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  • KLEVV launches NEO N500 SSDs based on SK Hynix's 72-layer 3D NAND14th September, 2018
  • SK Hynix’s subsidiary KLEVV has introduced its new client SSDs based on the manufacturer’s 72-layer 3D NAND flash. The KLEVV NEO N500 drives are aimed at entry-level desktops and laptops that accept SATA drives. As entry-level products, the SSDs are priced low, and in fact are already available at retail.The KLEVV NEO N500 family consists of three models featuring 120 GB, 240 GB, and 480 GB capacities, which are popular configurations for inexpensive SSDs these days. The drives come in a 2.5-inch/7-mm form-factor and use a SATA 6 Gbps interface, which makes them drop-in compatible with existing desktops and laptops that use DFF storage. The NEO N500 are based on Silicon Motion’s SM2258XT controller as well as SK Hynix’s 72-layer 3D TLC NAND memory. The SM2258XT controller has been available for some time now and its features and capabilities are well known: it has four NAND flash channels, LDPC ECC technology, and it supports pseudo-SLC (pSLC) caching in order to maximize SSD performance.It's noteworthy that while we've seen the SM2258XT controller time and time again, the NAND itself is relatively new. So there may be some significance to the fact that the official performance specifications of KLEVV’s NEO N500 drives puts them below other drives using the same controller with other 3D NAND. According to the manufacturer, the drives are able to hit up to 520 MB/s sequential read speeds and up to 500 MB/s sequential write speeds. As for random performance, KLEVV does not disclose exact specs, but the SM2258/SM2258XT controllers are rated for up to 90,000 read IOPS and up to 80,000 write IOPS. Evidently, high-capacity drives offer higher sequential and random performance than their lower-capacity counterparts. The KLEVV NEO N500-series SSDs are positioned below the company’s own NEO N600-series drives based on the SM2256 and planar TLC memory, which is not surprising as the new drives offer lower performance. What is a bit surprising is that unlike other suppliers of SSDs, KLEVV decided not to build high-performance drives based on 3D NAND using controllers from a third party or SK Hynix’s own silicon. The new NEO N500 SSDs from KLEVV are covered by a three-year warranty. All versions of the drives are already available in Europe. Based on data from, the 120 GB version costs €33 ($39), the 240 GB model is priced at €58 ($69), whereas the 480 GB SKU is available for €105 ($123).  
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  • KLEVV launches the NEO500 SSD with 72 Layer and memory write speeds up to 520MB/s13th September, 2018
  • The South Korean company SK Hynix had come out with the 72 layer NAND memory last year, which put it on edge with it’s larger competitors like Samsung and Micron. Initially, the technology was intended for the larger partners of the company. Now the company has decided to use the 72 layer NAND technology to make consumer products.KLEVV the daughter company under SK Hynix released a series of the Neo N500 solid-state drives. These drives will be featuring a 2.5-inch form factor and would connect through a 6GB/s SATA interface. The N500 is designed for the budget line consumers will have 3 models distinguished by their capacities, being the 120, 240 and 480 GB models. As of the insides, it will be using the Silicon Motion SM2258XT, which has been observed to do well in most entry-level SSDs. The SSD will have a whopping top read speed of 520 MB/s and write speed of 500 MB/s. The package will include a licensed copy of Acronis True Image HD. The drives make use of the SLC caching algorithm and also support LDPC ECC Engine technology and Global Wear Leveling, the drives also come with a 3 year manufacturer warranty.The 72-layer 3D NAND developed solely by SK Hynix is their most dense offering. This is a fourth generation 3D flash chip, also having a very efficient 3rd Vertical Cell configuration. The Neo N500 SSD has already landed in the European market with a retail price of € 27.5 for the 120 GB model, € 52 for the 240 GB model and € 94 for the 480 GB model.   
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  • KLEVV is Working To Finalize The First RGB M.2 NVMe SSD 11th June, 2018
  • Klevv is preparing an RGB M.2 NVMe SSD based on the Silicon Motion SM2263 architecture called the CRAS X RGB. The 4-channel drive uses a PCIe 3.0 x4 host interface with assistance from a DRAM buffer (the SM2263XT is the DRAMless version). The heatsink on the display drive was not finalized, but a representative told us to expect something very similar with defused lighting. The architecture doesn't matter too much; the big draw here is the RGB LED feature. Klevv is working on a solution to address the disco lighting. The PCIe bus and NVMe protocol are quite different from USB and system memory, so a new software suite will need to communicate commands to the drive. NVMe was designed to streamline commands to reduce latency, so there is very little to play with to make the drive addressable RGB, and Klevv is determined to build RGB communication to the controller without attaching a cable and header to an already cable-less drive. Klevv also designed matching system memory coming to market under the CRAS X RGB name. This memory supports the Asus Aura Sync, Gigabyte Fusion, and MSI Mystic Light software. The clock speed and timings are not known at this time but the demo showed up to 45,663 MB/s read and 52,370 MB/s write speed--much faster than the SSD reading 1,752 MB/s and writing 1,486 MB/s with 128KB sequential data.,37266.html   
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  • KLEVV adds colors: RGB-Lit enthusiast-class CRAS dimms & SSD incoming7th June, 2018
  • Klevv, a subsidiary of SK Hynix, has been around for quite a while targeting mass retail market with mainstream DRAM and SSD products. Recently Klevv decided to address the growing market of gamers and PC enthusiasts with more advanced offerings featuring fancy cooling systems and above-average performance. At Computex, the brand is demonstrating its upcoming RGB-lit products that will hit the market in late summer or early autumn.As noted above, up until now Klevv has offered products with rather mediocre specs that would hardly attract performance-demanding enthusiasts despite their look. With its upcoming Cras X RGB modules, Klevv will change that and offer 8 GB and 16 GB memory sticks rated for DDR4-3200 (CL16 18-18-38) and DDR4-3466 (CL17 19-19-39) operation at 1.35 V. This is still not quite the level of “extreme” modules from well-known suppliers, but it is a step in the right direction. Furthermore, at data transfer rates of up to 3466 MT/s, Klevv can guarantee compatibility with virtually all today’s platforms, including AMD Ryzen and Intel Core. Since the product is still in development, Klevv does not really want to share its performance numbers, but since SMI has already published its performance specs, we can expect the Cras C700 to offer something in the range of 2.4 GB/s for sequential read speed as well as up to 1.7 GB/s sequential write speed. The SM2263 is not exactly an enthusiast-grade controller from SMI’s perspective, but after Klevv/SK Hynix learn its behavior, they may adopt a more advanced SMI silicon for a more advanced SSD.  
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  • KLEVV CRAS DDR4-300013th October, 2015
  • DDR4 is starting to replace DDR3 memory slowly but surely. Prices are going down and it’s being mainstreamed as well. Before, only high end desktops or X99 platforms are able to take advantage of the DDR4’s speed. Now, with the new Intel 100 series express chipset (on Z170 motherboards), mainstream users, gamers and enthusiasts are also able to take advantage of the DDR4 memory as well. Today, we are going to review the Klevv Cras DDR4 3000MHz 16GB quad channel memory kit from Essencore. The names “Essencore” and “Klevv” may be new to you since the company just started last 2014 and with the full launch of their products this early 2015. We have reviewed their Klevv Genuine, Klevv Urbane and Neo DDR3 memory modules before and now it’s time to put their flagship memory to the test. The Klevv Cras DDR4 quad channel kit we have here is originally designed for X99 systems, but it doesn’t mean you can’t use them with the new Intel Z170 motherboards. In this review, we will be testing the Cras together with an X99 motherboard and a Z170 motherboard. Check out our full review below and find out how good (or bad) this memory is.     
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  • KLEVV CRAS DDR4-300030th October, 2015
  • Einleitung Mit Klevv ist seit Kurzem eine neue Marke im Arbeitsspeicher-Segment aktiv. Wir durften das Klevv Cras 16 GB DDR4 3000 CL16 Kit auf den Prüfstand schicken!  Über Klevv Essencore Limited wurde im März 2014 durch die SK Group, Südkoreas drittgrößtem Mischkonzern (zu dem auch der Speicherlieferant SK Hynix gehört), gegründet. Das Unternehmen hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, einer der weltbesten Anbieter von DRAM- und NAND-Flash-Produkten zu werden. Mit der eigenen Premiummarke "KLEVV" erweitert Essencore das Portfolio um Gaming-Speichermodule, Micro-SDs, USB Flash Drives und Solid State Drives. Datenblatt • Speichertyp: DDR4 • Kapazität: 16 GB / 4x 4 GB (Quad-Channel) • Takt: 3.000 MHz • Latenzen: CL16-18-18-36 • Spannung: 1,35 V • LED-Beleuchtung: Weiß Testplattform • Mainboard: ASUS ROG Rampage V Extreme • Prozessor: Intel Core i7-5960X Extreme Edition @ 8x 4.0 GHz • Grafikkarte: EVGA GeForce GTX 980 • Prozessorkühler: EKL Alpenföhn K2 • Netzteil: Seasonic Snow Silent 1050W • Soundkarte: Creative Sound Blaster Z • Festplatten: OCZ Vector 180 960GB • Gehäuse: Corsair Graphite Series 760T • Laufwerke: Samsung Blu-ray DVD-/RW • Betriebssystem: Windows 10 Home 64-Bit • Peripherie: Razer DeathAdder Chroma, Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Chroma und Astro Gaming A40 Headset • Monitor: ASUS MG279Q • Zimmertemperatur: ca. 21°C     Verarbeitung  Das neue DRAM-Modul der Cras-Familie zeichnet sich in erster Linie durch hohe Geschwindigkeiten aus. Mit neu gestalteten Heatspreadern präsentiert sich der Cras in einem besonders dynamischen Design und fügt sich so in die Optik der neuesten Generation von Hardware-Komponenten ein. Durch die optimierte Wärmeableitung wird der Speicher noch zuverlässiger. Das Speicherkit wurde vorbildlich verarbeitet. Verarbeitungsmängel konnten wir an unserem Testmuster nicht feststellen. Lediglich die billige Verpackung trübt den Gesamteindruck etwas. Klevv Speicher der Cras DDR4 Serien besitzen zehn Jahre Garantie. Unser Testmuster gibt es wahlweise mit roter oder weißer LED-Beleuchtung. Technik und Leistung Neben der sehr guten Kühltechnik haben die Techniker von Klevv auch eine Intel XMP-2.0-Profil-Unterstützung* springen lassen. Puncto Leistung gibt es an unserem Testmuster nichts zu bemängeln. Das Speicherkit lässt sich problemlos auf 3.200 MHz übertakten. Die Spannung muss hierfür nicht weiter angehoben werden. Diese bleibt in unserem Fall auf 1.35 Volt eingestellt. Auch die Latenz bleibt unverändert bei CL16. *Erklärung XMP 2.0: Extreme Memory Profiles 2.0 (XMP) sind von Intel eingeführte Zertifizierungen für DDR4-Speichermodule aus dem PC-Bereich. Diese Zertifizierung soll die Ausnutzung der Speichergeschwindigkeit erleichtern und dabei einen stabilen Betrieb garantieren. Der neue DDR4 Arbeitsspeicher  Zusammen mit den Haswell-E Prozessoren wurde auch der neue DDR4 Arbeitsspeicher veröffentlicht, der für sämtliche 2011er-v3-Plattformen benötigt wird. Optisch auffälligster Unterschied ist neben der gestiegenen Anzahl an Kontakten gegenüber DDR3, die geschwungene Form des DIMMs, wodurch die Montage vereinfacht werden soll. In Sachen Leistung gibt es eine ordentliche Erhöhung bei der Taktfrequenz: Fast alle erhältlichen DDR4-Riegel takten mit mindestens 2.133 MHz, wohingegen bei DDR3 aktuell 1866 MHz oder 1600 MHz Standard ist. Auch wurde die Versorgungsspannung auf 1.2 Volt gesenkt - DDR3 benötigt 1.5 Volt. Preisvergleich  Arbeitsspeicher - Preisvergleich (Stand: 31.10.2015)günstigste Angebot laut www.geizhals.atKlevv Cras (KM4C4GX4A-3000-16-18-18-36-1) 212.71 EuroKingston HyperX Predator (HX428C14PB2K4/16) 155.46 EuroCorsair Vengeance LPX (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) 132.59 EuroG.Skill RipJaws 4 (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) 120.55 Euro   Klevv Cras - LesedurchsatzAIDA64 Extreme 4.70.3200 - mehr ist besserKlevv Cras (KM4C4GX4A-3000-16-18-18-36-1) @ 3.000 MHz, CL16 60311 MB/sKingston HyperX Predator (HX428C14PB2K4/16) @ DDR4-2800, CL14 59811 MB/sCorsair Vengeance LPX (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 59696 MB/sG.Skill RipJaws 4 (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 59321 MB/s Klevv Cras - SchreibdurchsatzAIDA64 Extreme 4.70.3200 - mehr ist besserKlevv Cras (KM4C4GX4A-3000-16-18-18-36-1) @ 3.000 MHz, CL16 49075 MB/sKingston HyperX Predator (HX428C14PB2K4/16) @ DDR4-2800, CL14 48098 MB/sCorsair Vengeance LPX (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 48012 MB/sG.Skill RipJaws 4 (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 47901 MB/s Klevv Cras - KopierdurchsatzAIDA64 Extreme 4.70.3200 - mehr ist besserKlevv Cras (KM4C4GX4A-3000-16-18-18-36-1) @ 3.000 MHz, CL16 62411 MB/sKingston HyperX Predator (HX428C14PB2K4/16) @ DDR4-2800, CL14 61553 MB/sCorsair Vengeance LPX (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 61512 MB/sG.Skill RipJaws 4 (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 61489 MB/s Klevv Cras - SpeicherverzögerungAIDA64 Extreme 4.70.3200 - weniger ist besserG.Skill RipJaws 4 (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 63.1 nsCorsair Vengeance LPX (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 62.9 nsKingston HyperX Predator (HX428C14PB2K4/16) @ DDR4-2800, CL14 62.7 nsKlevv Cras (KM4C4GX4A-3000-16-18-18-36-1) @ 3.000 MHz, CL16 61.2 ns Klevv Cras - Battlefield 42560×1600 - max. Details - 4xAA+FXAA/16xAF - mehr ist besserCorsair Vengeance LPX (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 41 FPSG.Skill RipJaws 4 (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 41 FPSKingston HyperX Predator (HX428C14PB2K4/16) @ DDR4-2800, CL14 41 FPSKlevv Cras (KM4C4GX4A-3000-16-18-18-36-1) @ 3.000 MHz, CL16 41 FPS Klevv Cras - TemperaturenMessung am Heatspreader - weniger ist besser Idle (Desktop) Load (Gaming)Klevv Cras (KM4C4GX4A-3000-16-18-18-36-1) @ 3.000 MHz, CL16 30 °C 39 °CG.Skill RipJaws 4 (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 34 °C 43 °CCorsair Vengeance LPX (CMK16GX4M4A2800C16) @ DDR4-2800, CL16 32 °C 41 °CKingston HyperX Predator (HX428C14PB2K4/16) @ DDR4-2800, CL14 29 °C 38 °C   
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  • KLEVV CRAS DDR4-320030th October, 2015
  • So what does the close tie to SK Hynix give KLEVV? Preference on DRAM batches and their operating capabilities would be good assumptions as to some of the factors that a close business tie allows. We are looking at KLEVV‘s flagship DDR4 memory line ? the Cras series. The specific kit that we are examining is KLEVV’s fastest available set of memory with operational characteristics of 3200MHz and 16-18-18 timings in a 16GB set. KLEVV uses premium packaging to house the four sticks of memory. One slight misfortune of using such premium packaging is that potential buyers are given no look at the memory styling before opening the box. Four 4GB sticks form our 16GB memory kit. KLEVV also sells Cras memory in 8GB (2x4GB), 16GB (2x8GB), and 32GB (4x8GB) capacities with a range of frequencies. Styling of the modules is very appealing. A silver strip with branding names on either side splits a black, patched plate-style heatspreader. I am pleased to report that KLEVV is using a black PCB, despite how little is shown past the sizable heatsink. At 56mm-tall, around 20mm taller than a DDR4 memory stick’s PCB, KLEVV’s Cras modules are certain to cause interference with the biggest CPU heatsinks. The solid metal heatsinks will help those looking to push voltages, however they are more of an interfering inconvenience or piece of eye-candy at the default operating frequency. Our stress testing never saw the modules’ recorded temperatures rise above 40C. Branding of the KLEVV name and the Cras memory series is highlighted on the silver heatsink strip. The heatsink can be disassembled and removed thanks to accessible hexagonal screws. The enthusiast orientation for KLEVV’s Cras memory modules is identifiable by the ease at which the heatspreader can be removed. Many enthusiast overclockers will be eager to remove the stock heatsinks, slap on some LN2-capable kit, and crank the voltage until the underlying SK Hynix memory ICs show their potential at higher frequencies. A transparent strip running along the heatsink’s top edge allows LED lighting to be shone from the modules. Our kit uses red LEDs, although a white alternative is available. I did not find a way to disable the static LEDs, so that could be an annoyance for users whose colour scheme or individual preference does not call for red or white lighting. Specifications:Model: KLEVV Cras 3200MHz.Frequency: 3200MHz (PC4-25600).Timings: 16-18-18-36-2T.Voltage: 1.35V.Four DIMM Kit: 16GB (4x 4GB).XMP 2.0 Ready.Lifetime Warranty.KLEVV Cras 3200MHz 16GB DDR4 Review, 3.6 out of 5 based on 5 ratings   
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  • KLEVV CRAS DDR4-300021st September, 2015
  • Review: Klevv Cras DDR4 3000Klevv ya no es una marca desconocida para nosotros, sus memorias Genuine DDR3 nos sorprendieron gratamente por su diseño extraordinario, su buen comportamiento térmico y sus buenos resultados de frecuencia. Ahora nos acercaremos a su modelo más exclusivo, las Cras DDR4.     Introducción Klevv acabara siendo una de las marcas más llamativas de memorias, no nos cabe la menor duda. Sus diseños son de todo menos convencionales y aunque los precios son elevados son competencia directa de otras marcas de gama alta y a día de hoy van un paso por delante en cuanto a concebir diseños que revolucionen el concepto que tenemos de módulo de memoria RAM. Los módulos que hoy os presentamos son su opción más exclusiva. Si los Genuine os parecieron algo fuera de lo normal los nuevos Cras son simplemente impactantes. Un diseño cuidado que potencia la refrigeración de las memorias, con acabados de altísima calidad y un toque de color que distingue a estas memorias de cualquier otra memoria que hayamos visto.  Mejoras de la DDR4 Los procesos de fabricación mejorados de este nuevo formato de memoria permiten a la DDR4 reducir sus consumos hasta en un 20% y aumentar las frecuencias de forma notable. El estándar para equipos de sobremesa son los 1.2v y se anticipan formatos de consumo reducido que usaran voltajes oficiales de 1.05v. Esto ayudara a la nueva generación de equipos de sobremesa y portátiles más eficientes y con mayor autonomía (en el caso de los portátiles, claro).Este proceso de fabricación mejorado también traerá consigo aumentos notables en las frecuencias de trabajo. Las memorias DDR3 comenzaron en frecuencias de 800-1066MHz, hace ya unos cuantos años. Ahora los modelos más avanzados alcanzan los 3200MHz. La memoria DDR4 ha comenzado su escalada de frecuencias desde los 2133MHz y ya es fácil encontrarla por encima de los 3200MHz. En pocos meses la estaremos viendo por encima de los 4GHz con anchos de banda desconocidos hasta el momento. Sus densidades también son mayores, será más fácil encontrarlos hasta en configuraciones de 16GB por modulo (en el mercado doméstico, en el profesional esta capacidad se duplicara con facilidad) y los precios, por la reducción de costes que implica, también se verán afectados. Si ahora nos parece algo normal tener ordenadores portátiles con 8GB o sobremesas con 16GB, según se estandarice esta memoria lo habitual será tener el doble de esta capacidad en ordenadores domésticos.Aun así no todo son ventajas. La memoria DDR4 utiliza latencias más altas precisamente por su avance en el uso de frecuencias más altas y voltajes más bajos. Las latencias son tiempos de espera que necesita la memoria para ejecutar diferentes operaciones en su estructura de celdas. Cuanta más latencia más lento pero esto se compensara con creces con el aumento de frecuencias que experimentaremos con este nuevo formato de memoria.      
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  • KLEVV NEO DDR3-16007th August, 2015
  • Testing products from unknown manufacturers is always a source for entertainment for all the sides involved. While the reviewer gains experience points and reader gets useful information, the maker is also served with its dose of adrenaline by hoping that the product leaves a positive first impression thus allowing the business to exist further down the road.Today happens to be another one of such days when we see a new Korean memory player, called Essencore, make their first steps against such titans of the memory market as Corsair, G.Skill and Kingston. You probably haven't heard of Essencore either, but this is the maker behind the Klevv memory brand that has recently been making some noise in North America. Klevv's current DDR3 menu contains Neo, Urbane and Genuine series in an ascending price order. Since we prefer to start our adventures at a low pace, today's test subject is an entry-level DDR3 model. Manufacturer Essencore Series Klevv Neo Part Number KM3N4GX2C-1600-09-09-09-24-0 Type DDR3 Capacity 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) Frequency 800 MHz (DDR3-1600) Timings 9-9-9-24 Voltage 1.5 V Warranty Lifetime warrantyThe kit in our hands is officially the slowest Klevv memory money can currently buy. Aside from a funky part number, there is absolutely nothing that would make it stand out from the sea of competitor 8GB dual-channel kits rated at DDR3-1600 CL9. Having braced ourselves for some el-cheapo treatment, we were pleasantly surprised by the packaging. Using foam padding to protect the memory is something that very few memory makers currently do, let alone on the basic models. And yes, the box is much whiter than the stuff you usually see in toothpaste commercials. The styling of the Neo series is rather different from what we are used to. There are no bright colours, there are no sharp edges, there are no godlike illuminated multi-level velociraptor RGB teeth sticking out of the modules. The smooth lines, the subtle details, the silver paintjob with a little shade of brown - it all looks very grown-up, and we like it. Essencore's attention to detail doesn't stop with the looks. Unlike most of their competition who make use of thin stamped plates as a method of cooling, the aluminium heatsinks on the Evo are actually thick and heavy. Not only is it good from a standpoint of cooling, but it also solidifies our impression of the Neo as of a quality product. The heatsinks attach to the modules by a strip of thermal glue on each of their sides. Pre-heated with a hairdryer to weaken the adhesive, they pose no threat of damage to anyone who attempts to remove them. The memory chips used on our sample are manufactured by Hynix, also known as Hyundai Electronics. There are only eight chips on one of module's sides, the second side is left blank. As the modules are 4GB each, this means that each of the memory chips is of 512MB (or 4Gbit) capacity. This information can alternatively be deduced from the markings on the modules, which read H5TQ4G83MFR. Of all the chip options that one can encounter on a 2015-made memory kit, Hynix MFR is, perhaps, the most favourable one due to its good voltage scaling and vast timing flexibility. Both memory modules carry a small SPD chip, which contains their internal part number, serial number and production date. The SPD also features several JEDEC setting presets that are intended for backwards compatibility with platforms that do not support DDR3-1600 memory out of the box. On top of the JEDEC presets, there is an XMP - a profile intended to reduce the procedure of setting the memory to its rated frequency, timings and voltage to a change of just one option in motherboard's BIOS. The exact settings applied by the XMP profile on our test platform were as follows:      
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  • KLEVV URBANE DDR3-213311th August, 2015
  • Existe um novo concorrente no mercado das memórias RAM. Começou a dar nas vistas do público internacional durante a Computex onde alguns dos seus produtos venceram prémios de design. Mas é mais interessante do que parece e talvez os fãs de League of Legends e mais concretamente da equipa do Faker, SK Telecom T1, possam criar alguma afinidade com esta marca.A marca chegou ao mercado com o nome KLEVV e pertence à Essencore que por sua vez é uma subsidiária do gigante grupo SK C&C, que detém a SK Telecom e a SK Hynix, entre outras. Interessa saber que no mercado de ICs DRAM existem três fabricantes principais: Micron, Samsung e SK Hynix. As marcas que habitualmente encontramos nas lojas compram lotes de ICs a estes fabricantes e depois fazem a sua seleção para integrar em determinada linha de produtos. Claro que a Samsung também vende memórias com o seu próprio nome e a Micron tem a marca Crucial para o mesmo efeito. A KLEVV acaba por ser a resposta da SK Hynix e por isso é expectável que continue a crescer rapidamente absorvendo quota de mercado de outros revendedores como GSKILL, Corsair, etc., especialmente se tiver prioridade na escolha dos lotes para os seus produtos. Basta pensar que atualmente os kits de memória de topo utilizam ICs Hynix MFR, que são bastante caros mas apresentam grande capacidade de overclocking. A KLEVV trabalha com produtos DRAM e NAND, tem ofertas em DDR3 e DDR4 e deverá entrar no mercado dos SSDs brevemente. ESPECIFICAÇÕES Formato: DDR3 Unbuffered DIMMCapacidade: 8GB (2 x 4GB)Frequência: 2133MHzTimings: 10-12-12Tensão: 1.6VDimensões: 133 X 52 X 8 mmDissipador: AlumínioGarantia: Vitalícia Página Oficial EMBALAGEM E CONTEÚDO Embalagem super simples que na frontal apenas tem destaque para a capacidade 8GB (4GB x 2), compatibilidade com Intel e o slogan da KLEVV. Era bom identificar mais facilmente a série e a frequência das memórias. Na outra fase da embalagem tem uma imagem do dissipador da série Urbane e uma pequena lista de caraterística. EM DETALHE A série Urbane é a oferta de gama média para entusiastas e gamers que a KLEVV apresenta em DDR3. A marca garante que só utiliza ICs escolhidos a dedo e dificilmente será possível encontrar KLEVV com ICs que não sejam Hynix. Neste caso particular é um kit de 8GB e 2133MHz mas dentro desta série existem dos 8 aos 32GB e dos 1600 aos 3200MHz de frequência. Este produto inclui a certificação XMP e por isso é fácil aplicar as frequências e timings anunciados, através de uma simples opção na BIOS. Por default não está ativado e as memórias estão abaixo das especificações anunciadas. O dissipador é todo em alumínio e apresenta um design bem elegante. A cor é ligeiramente mais escura do que parece nas fotografias. Não tem chamas nem aspeto de transformers mas deve agradar a quem gosta de um aspeto mais profissional e sóbrio. De um dos lados aparece o logotipo da marca e a série a que pertence. Do outro as especificações como frequência, tensão e timings bem como o serial number de cada módulo. Atualmente e devido à densidade que os ICs permitem, muitos kits de memória utilizam chips apenas de um lado. Estas KLEVV Urbane são mais um exemplo disso. Não confundir com single-channel ou dual-channel. Por curiosidade, removendo o dissipador pode ver-se que utilizam os famosos chips Hynix MFR conhecidos pela sua capacidade de overclock e capacidade de escalar com aumento da tensão. Boas notícias! De origem este é um kit CL10, com timings 10-12-12 com 1.6V. Certamente não é um daqueles kits de baixa voltagem mas também não será preciso relaxar os timings ou aumentar a tensão para obter uma frequência bem superior à de origem. Num outro exercício, será também possível apertar ainda mais os timings, diria que CL7 é bastante realista de se obter. TESTES Sistema Utilizado:Intel Core i5 4670K c/ Corsair H100i GTXGigabyte Z97X-Gaming 5Gigabyte R9 280XPlextor M6e Black Edition SSD PCIeCorsair AX1200i AIDA64 Cache & Memory BenchmarkAIDA64 READ8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz29067 MB/s30547 MB/s32156 MB/s32197 MB/sAIDA64 WRITE8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz35244 MB/s31738 MB/s33559 MB/s33551 MB/sAIDA64 COPY8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz29683 MB/s28426 MB/s31325 MB/s31588 MB/sSiSoftware SANDRASANDRA MEMORY BANDWIDTH8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz24,13 GB/s23 GB/s25,47 GB/s26,13 GB/sPassMark Performance TestPASSMARK PERFORMANCE TEST RESULT8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz2850270028092313RealbenchSó funciona com pelo menos 4GB de memória de sistema livres, por isso o kit de 4GB não pode ser utilizado neste teste.REAL BENCH IMAGE EDITING8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz78,472 s79,327 s79,177 sREALBENCH H.264 VIDEO ENCODING8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz164,106 s165,809 s166,731 sREALBENCH OPENCL8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz912 KSamples/s939 KSamples/s985 KSamples/sREALBENCH SYSTEM SCORE8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz637366272163208Cinebench R15CINEBENCH R15 CPU8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz587577577577PCMark 8PCMARK 8 CREATIVE8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz5910577458195835PCMARK 8 HOME8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz4692461145874630PCMARK 8 WORK8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz54925493547054013DMark FireStrike3DMARK FIRESTRIKE8GB KLEVV Urbane OC 2933MHz8GB KLEVV Urbane XMP1 2133MHz8GB Corsair Vengeance Red 2133MHz4GB Kingston HyperX 2133MHz6722669666386706GTA V
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  • KLEVV Fit Faker Edition 8GB Memory1st October, 2015
  • KLEVV Fit Faker Edition 8GB Memory Review. Today we examine an impressive memory kit, inspired and designed by a LOL legend, FAKER. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you ought to know League Of Legends, is one the biggest games on planet earth. With a following that is growing daily, and prize pools associated with it, more than anyone could have anticipated. LoL and others like it have projected PC gaming (moba) into the forefront and pushed the sincerity/legitimacy of eSports to an all-time high. The product comes from a fairly recently launched brand, KLEVV. Which is an in-house brand from Essencore Limited. The company aim is to become a mainstream player in the memory market. Read more about the company and their vision HERE I stumbled across KLEVV back in 2014, via social media and was instantly attracted to their products, the visuals here are as enticing as all other KLEVV modules. Targeting a rapidly growing segment of the market, custom system builders,modders and enthusiasts. The collaboration of this actual product between KLEVV and Faker, was announced earlier in 2015, with the intention to produce a product that was a ‘Perfect fit for the best performance’. The modules are smaller and lighter than earlier model. The Faker edition is based heavily on the KLEVV FIT range, which offers modules of 8/16GB between 1600/2133Mhz. This limited edition runs at 1600Mhz however.[Features and specifications]DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800), Timing 9-9-9-24, Cas Latency 9, Voltage 1.5VStrict quality and reliability testingLow-key yet highly powerfulFaker edition was inspired and designed by Faker (SangHyeok Lee) the world class LOL player. Within the package you can find the Faker’s signature and gaming performance image.Minimalistic heat spreader with outstanding cooling efficiencyLee “Faker” Sang-hyeok aged 19 is the Mid Laner for SK Telecom T1. considered by many as the best mid laner in the world. Faker is renowned for his high level of gameplay and is considered by many to be the best League of Legends player of all time. He is consistently ranked number one by analysts and often referred to as the “God” of League of Legends.SK Telecom T1 is a Korean a professional gaming team based in South Korea. Previously, the SK Telecom organization sponsored two sister teams, S and K. It was originally founded as a StarCraft: Brood War team under the name Orion in 2002 by Lim Yo-Hwan (Boxer), regarded by many as the greatest eSports player of all time, and has included such stars as Kim Taek-Young (Bisu),Jung Myung-Hoon (Fantasy) and Choi Yun-Sung (ILoveOov – who is currently the coach of SKT1’sStarCraft II team). ItsLeague and StarCraft teams have made efforts to support each other publicly, as cameras caught Faker and the rest of the League team attending one of the StarCraft team’s Proleague matches against Jin AirWatch Faker talk about EKKO below ( Be sure to enable subs!)[First Look and Impressions]The modules arrived in a card wrap, with a plastic viewing window. The design is ultra clean, with a real emphasis and the product tagline “perfect fit for the best performance. While it’s optimised and certified for Intel, it’s, of course, compatible with AMD too Not a great deal on the other side, an image of Faker himself. A brief product run down, and access to the product in the form of a tear strip/out line. The modules are stunning to look at, a black PCB is accented with a striking midnight blue heatsink on top. The brushed aluminum finish reacts to light, and at every angle it’s as good as the last. At either side of the heatsink small contours are engraved, alongside the KLEVV logo. A white centre piece runs along either module, which pops really well against that beautiful blue. Fakers signature appears on either side of the module, the reverse detailing the memory speed, timings and voltage. These stickers can ruin overall aesthetics but Klevv have found a way to make it work. It’s not immediately apparent, especially without something side by side, for comparison. But the models are extremely thin and compact, ideal for compatibility. Despite this Klevv claims cooling is superior All in all, beautiful modules![Observations and Compatibility] Modules and coolers can cause a nightmare when assembling your custom build. Generally you need to avoid RAM with oversized heatsinks, if you want to use an aftermarket cpu cooler. You can research and often comprised on one or the other. Theirs no need here with the Faker kit, these are possibly the most compact modules I’ve ver seen.[Test Setup & Methodology][Techicize Test Bench]Processor:Intel Core i5 4670K Socket 1150Cooling: VariesMemory:Kingston HyperX Beast 2400Mhz 8GBMushkin Blackline 1600Kingston Savage 1600Kingston Fury 1866Kingston 10th Anniversary 1866Kingston HyperX Predator 2133Kingston HyperX Beast 2133Kingston HyperX Beast 2400Kingston HyperX Predator 2400Motherboard:MSI Z97 Gaming 7 Socket 1150Video Card:NAPSU:CoolerMaster M2 1500wHard Drives:Kingston HyperX 3kOS:Windows 8 Pro 64-BitWe would like to thank or sponsors for their support with our test system, Kingston,Dismatech,Cooler Master, Noctua and MSI[Overclocking]Overclocking is CPU dependant and this is often dubbed as the silicone lottery.This means you should keep in mind, each user experience will differ. What we present is the best we achieved with our setup. We only provide 100% stable and real results, we may mention potential overclocks, but only include data from stable runs. A system must be pass extreme torture testing from Gaming, Benchmarks and stress tools to be deemed stable. The same CPU is used in all reviews.The kit is able of 1600Mhz with timings 9-9-9-24 and Voltage 1.5V. We had a feeling the kit may be able to hit 2133Mhz, as it part of the original “Kit” series. which is available between 1600-2133Mhz. Our suspicions were correct, and set the frequency to 2133Mhz/ timings to 10,12,12, 28, and bumped the voltage to 1.6V.[Max Overlock]We pushed for more and settled for 2400Mhz . The differences in terms of performance gains will be shown below [Aida Cache Test]AIDA64 Extreme Edition is a streamlined Windows diagnostic and benchmarking software for home users. AIDA64 Extreme Edition provides a wide range of features to assist in overclocking, hardware error diagnosis, stress testing, and sensor monitoring. It has unique capabilities to assess the performance of the processor, system memory.Stock XMP performance is fairly average, once we overclock it however, the gains are significant-[Performance Test 8]Passmark PerformanceTest is an award-winning PC hardware benchmark utility that allows everybody to quickly assess the performance of their computer and compare it to a number of standard ‘baseline’ computer systems. Find out if your PC is performing at its best, compare the performance of your machine to similar machines and make objective independent measurements on which to base your purchasing decision.The overclock to 2400Mhz again shows impressive gains are to be had![Real World Testing]Our in-house real world test, takes several common applications including Photoshop, winrar,X264 and runs a preset script, these are ran individually and then again, at all the same time to measure multitask performance.We are looking for the lowest times possible here.Stock XMP performance is lacking behind our 2400Mhz test bench results, naturally. Once we overclocked the KIT, the results were almost neck and neck[Final Thoughts]Its been an interesting experience working with this very product, collaboration products don’t come along too often. It’s key that they stand out, and this Kit does. Stamping Faker’s signature on the product wouldn’t have been good enough, the very fact he was involved in the design process is brilliantThe visuals are like every KLEVV product out there, sleek and refined to perfection. Theirs not much more much to say about them. I feel the, the images show, much more than words can say! Performance out of the box was, as you would expect is average, but the kit can be unleashed with ease up to 2400Mhz, which really nudge the kit forward. Our first experience with KLEVV and they’ve made a very postive impact on us! The product is well worth considering but its a limited edition kit, so if you’re interested you be best quick. Amazon UK(£37) or Newegg in the US ($48)Interested in winning this kit? Check out of giveaway below to enter! Techicize- Klevv FIT Faker Edition 8GB (2 x 4GB) Giveaway (UK ONLY) Enter here manually, if the app does not load        
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  • KLEVV URBANE DDR3-24001st April, 2015
  • Today we are going to look at another DDR3 memory from the new comer Essencore – the Klevv Genuine DDR3 memory. Previously, we reviewed the Klevv Genuine which is their flagship DDR3 memory. If you haven’t seen or read my previous review, be sure to read that as well. Just a little intro regarding the company; Essencore is basically a new company or challenger in the memory and storage industry. They recently launched their brand “KLEVV” together with their DDR3 and DDR4 memory early this year. Now, the Klevv Urbane DDR3 Unbuffered DIMM memory, according to the company, is “Born to be Sophisticated” and is “Fast by Nature”. Well, aesthetically speaking, it does look elegant and sophisticated. The Urbane is not about jagged edge and serrated aluminium fins, like most DDR3 memory we see in the market today. The Klevv Urbane is all about sleek lines and smooth curves, and in my opinion it offers a certain uniqueness that I find very pleasing. The specific unit sample I got is the Klevv Urbane DDR3 8GB (2x4GB) Memory Kit at 2400MHz CL11-13-13-31 @ 1.65V (KM3U4GX2Y-2400) IMT451U6MFR8Y-AB1. Now that’s very specific! Before we proceed with the review, I’d like to thank Essencore for providing the Urbane DDR3 memory kit for the purpose of this review.   KLEVV Urbane DDR3 Memory Review Just like the Klevv Genuine, the Urbane DDR3 memory kits are also built using strictly screened memory ICs. At least that’s what Essencore said from their advertisement. The Urbane doesn’t have any LED lighting effects, but thankfully its heat spreader is made out of an all-aluminium material. Unlike with the Genuine’s heat spreader design that was a mixture of aluminium and plastics, and that somehow got me a little bit disappointed. The Klevv Urbane fully supports Intel XMP profile which should be able to help you run it on its rated speed. The Urbane memory kit is available from 8GB capacity up to 32GB capacity, with rated speeds from 1600MHz up to 3200MHz. This memory, like the Genuine, is geared towards gamers, PC enthusiasts and overclockers who want a high performance memory. But it won’t cost you as much like the Genuine DDR3 memory kits. I’ll discuss more of its features as we take a closer look at the memory below. Here is a screenshot of the SPD information of the sample kit I got using AIDA64:     KLEVV Urbane DDR3 Specifications Format DDR3 Unbuffered DIMM Capacity 8GB (2 x 4GB) 16GB (4 x 4GB) 16GB (2 x 8GB) 32GB (4 x 8GB) Speed Voltage 1600 9-9-9 @ 1.5V 1866 9-10-9 @ 1.5V 2133 10-12-12 @ 1.6V 2400 11-13-13 @ 1.65V 2666 12-13-13 @ 1.65V 2800 12-14-14 @ 1.65V 2933 12-14-14 @ 1.65V 3200 13-15-15 @ 1.65V Pin Out 240 Pin Dimensions 133mm X 52mm X 8mm Warranty Lifetime warranty - See more at:
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